Year End Notes

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Byrnes Rebels
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Year End Notes

Post by Rebel-Fan-74 »

We are quickly coming to the end of the year with just a couple of games left...

For my part, this has been a year to forget. We have faced late start to the season, cancellations, only Region Games for many teams and then not all of the Region Games were played. Limited fans, no band, never know what is going to happen from week to week, sometimes even day to day.

Some things stayed the same, BEAUFORTEAGLESFAN is still Most Loyal Fan and one of the classiest, Slicker still as crazy as ever, Penguin the most loved poster.... some love him and some love to hate him, either way, he's loved. EHSMeanGreen still working hard to make the site even better and get more folks involved, while RacinCowboy has picked up the mantle as the most active Injun poster, and DeCav is still the author of the longest posts.

Some things changed... no Dorman, Gaffney, or Byrnes in the Final Four, or as we are thinking of calling it now, "The Dutch Fork Invitational".

And yet with all the things that 2020 dropped on us, we did manage to have some football this season and many of us still got to enjoy one of our favorite things in the world, High School Football.

For many of us, the season is over and we look forward to next year with hopes that we will have a season without all the craziness that filled 2020.

Good luck to those left in the Upper and Lower State Championship semi-finals.....

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I'm thinking about entering the transfer portal!
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Onion Rings
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Re: Year End Notes

Post by Onion Rings »

and let's not forget Rebel-Fan-74 for brackets, points updates (when they do them), and for the running with the dogs challenge! Lot's of good work

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