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Gaffney Indians
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Post by Coach125 »

Anyone see where the SCHSL placing gag orders on all coaches? Sounds like they can’t take criticism of their job performance. Pretty bold for a body that doesn’t pay the coaches salary. I think it’s time to get rid of the SCHSL.
Last edited by Coach125 on Thu Aug 12, 2021 12:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Instead of scheduling relief, S.C. High School League re-delivered ‘gag order’

Post by SCPrepTalk »

Instead of scheduling relief, S.C. High School League re-delivered ‘gag order’
'If you can’t take the heat, get out of the job'
By Ian Guerin 15 hrs ago
:arrow: ... 67290.html

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SF Band dad
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Post by SF Band dad »

Wow. What a bunch of snowflakes.

Emotional trauma counsellor Band dad: "Can you show me on this doll where those critical opinions hurt you?"
Rub some dirt on it. Walk it off.

What is the appeal process on such fines for "unsportsmanlike actions"? This could be a lot of fun, well worth the $100 to make them defend their fines during an appeal hearing.

AD Handbook: A $100 fine can be assessed for “Unsportsmanlike actions by players, coaches or spectators,”
Really, spectators? So if I start going off on this forum and accuse them of having room-temperature IQs they can start fining South Florence HS?
(Here, hold my beer while I change my profile over and become a Berkeley Stags fan.)

Gaffney Indians
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Post by Coach125 »

I believe the SCHSL has come to a point where it is no longer needed. I’m hoping we can break away from this power hungry organization and let it fade away.

Cover Three
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Post by Cover Three »

It won't happen, but I wish every coach in the state would come together and take to social media and dare Jerome to do one thing about it. Jerome has a variety of issues to attend to besides this. And yes, many of the educational administration sheep in the state are starting to bring out their collection of masks again, and run to their basements. But what did Jerome do last year? Nothing. He and his band of do nothings didn't have a plan. So they just kicked any decisions back to the districts which created the most uneven playing field in the history of SC high school sports. The sad part is that those employed by the SCHSL supposedly serve at the pleasure of the member schools. Yet, these members continuously do nothing to change things. That tells you that an unseen small group with power actually pull the strings.

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Post by Fortfor5 »

Cover Three wrote:
Fri Aug 13, 2021 6:46 am
It won't happen, but I wish every coach in the state would come together and take to social media and dare Jerome to do one thing about it. Jerome has a variety of issues to attend to besides this. And yes, many of the educational administration sheep in the state are starting to bring out their collection of masks again, and run to their basements. But what did Jerome do last year? Nothing. He and his band of do nothings didn't have a plan. So they just kicked any decisions back to the districts which created the most uneven playing field in the history of SC high school sports. The sad part is that those employed by the SCHSL supposedly serve at the pleasure of the member schools. Yet, these members continuously do nothing to change things. That tells you that an unseen small group with power actually pull the strings.
Well said .

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