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Good to see...

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2021 7:22 pm
by chief shooting bull
Good to see a bunch of the old timers from PFT hanging around. Hope everybody stays healthy and your teams do well. Until you play Gaffney....then screw every last one of ya.

Re: Good to see...

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2021 7:35 pm
by Newcatntown
chief shooting bull wrote:
Mon Aug 23, 2021 7:22 pm
Good to see a bunch of the old timers from PFT hanging around. Hope everybody stays healthy and your teams do well. Until you play Gaffney....then screw every last one of ya.

Hey ole Flip-flops!! :D Yeah...miss dem days of a decade or so ago!!!! Some real fun times .

Hope yall Injuns is well...wash your hands and keep your mask ready.....sounds like its ...”here we go again with this crap”

Thanks again to EHS for running this show so we all can still be around talking bout our passion for out teams!

Kerp them upstate lights on CSB!!! :mrgreen: