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Byrnes -vs- Boling Springs

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2013 1:09 pm
by Rebel-Fan-74
The biggest question for Friday night is what kind of reception does the new REBEL REGIMENT director get going back to Boiling Springs? Will the Band and Band Parents "BOO" him?

Seriously, I think the Rebels score a lot (basing this on the Boiling Springs scores so far). The biggest question for me will be can our Defense step up and hold the Bulldogs in check. They've looked good every week except for Woodruff and I'm not so sure that Woodruff might be a lot better than a lot of folks give them credit for? Maybe we were looking ahead that week? Focused on Northwestern a little too much?

Rebels - 42
Bulldogs -21

Re: Byrnes -vs- Boling Springs

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2013 2:50 pm
by rebelrooter
Yeah, that could be an interesting scenario. I'm liking the new zip in the RR these days; change was for the good.
Previous director was great, but the RR did a good thing in getting this guy from BS.

Re: Byrnes -vs- Boling Springs

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2013 3:17 pm
by cavaliereagle
I believe Byrnes has fixed their defensive woes. Most schools, it seems, take longer to get the offense going. Byrnes is an offensive juggernaut. I suppose their problem is the opposite.

Re: Byrnes -vs- Boling Springs

Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2013 5:34 pm
by LikeIseeIt
Byrnes brought in several new coaches on defense. A new d philosophy and several new players. I think they are getting better each week. They are a long way from this being the finished product. BS will provide a good measuring stick to see how they are improving as they may be the most balanced team they have faced. But you still want to be playing your best ball in November.

Re: Byrnes -vs- Boling Springs

Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2013 7:49 pm
by trojangrad78
Byrnes by 24, at least.

They don't call them band boo-sters for nothing :lol:

My nephew was in the band at BS and now works with the Chesnee band. I will get his take on things. He is good at worming his way in to "the know" on things like this :)

Re: Byrnes -vs- Boling Springs

Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2013 11:13 pm
by SF Band dad
At SF we are the Band Booze-sters. :lol:

Re: Byrnes -vs- Boling Springs

Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2013 7:45 am
by Rebel-Fan-74
We don't have any Bulldogs in this crowd?

We need to work on that....