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Saluda Vs. Abbeville .... Vs. Gray??

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2021 3:59 pm
by Creekwater Werts
My two cents on how Gray's charter advantage will inevitably ruin the best rivalry we've seen in a long time. And ultimately how charter schools as a whole will ruin SC HS Football, UNLESS adjustments are made to protect small communities. This is my opinion and not meant to jab all charter schools. Just the one's who use it for athletic advantage because it's sickening.

Saluda - Abbeville may be one of the most refreshing rivalries in the state. Two extremely small towns and probably two of the lowest student populations of all AA teams in the state.

Yet they both run programs the right way, and they both dominate.

It's wholesome to see these teams play by the book, and win by the book; and that's the way it should be.

As a Saluda fan, Abbeville has been nearly impossible to beat even with some extremely talented Saluda teams. What I love most though is that A-Town still shows respect to our club and the way that we do things in Saluda. I think it's very obvious to Abbeville who the 2nd best team in the state is year in and year out (Barring covid year) and they know that they can never overlook that. While there is still a gap between Abbeville and Saluda, up until recently, there was also a huge gap between Saluda and the rest of the state.

Then Gray comes along.

I've never ever been scared of Gray but what is happening over there is dangerous. Saluda among others used to throttle these guys, and now that they are picking up steam with their recruiting advantage, it is clear to see they are a AA contender. I'm also not one to make excuses, but I will be a very ticked off fella if they continue to grow and overtake Saluda and Abbeville, subsequently. Not only are they threatening one of the most anticipated rivalries in SC HS football, but above all, they just don't do things the right way.

Saluda and Abbeville always do it by the book, and thats why the rivalry is so great. It's why they respect each other as their biggest opponent year in and year out.

When I see teams like Gray, who used to get absolutely wrecked by Saluda and Abbeville, come in and take over a league just because they can recruit, it sickens me. They don't do things the right way and they get rewarded. Small towns like ours have to rely on very limited talent and coach ability while these guys get to just pick up a guy or two from every team in the midlands.

Their programs/coaches/tradition don't hold a candle to Salu or A-town, and they are only where they are because they have charter advantage.

It's unfair to everyone who can't, and it doesn't make you special just because you can.

If you see this Adam Holmes, you're not special. I know the SCHSL has made you feel that way, but you simply aren't. If you played by the rules like you used to, you would get wrecked by average AA teams, like you used to. We all know it, so you can quit your ra-ra, 'im your daddy' twitter interviews because they don't mean nothing when you play a program like ours. We know you can't beat the both of us.

At least until you broaden your recruiting pipeline again.

See you soon Gray, and for God sakes keep your accountant. They can cook books with the best of em from what I can tell!

Re: Saluda Vs. Abbeville .... Vs. Gray??

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2021 6:46 pm
I think it's just a fact of life now. You see it with the private school leagues in the DC area and then teams like IMG. There are three parts to a successful HS program....Xs and Os; Jimmys and Joes; and resources/community support.

In SC in a school that size, they would typically not have that many stud athletes, like GC runs out each week. Abbeville's coaching and system make them into a powerhouse, where Grey Collegiate just carts in the Jimmys and Joes they need to be top flight.

Coach Knotts has all three of those parts available to him at DF. He is the GOAT in the Carolinas for HS coaches, but drop him at WestOak or Calhoun Falls...they would be better, but they would not be consecutive 5 times state champs.

However Creekwater, regardless of how it seems/ sir, are correct. It is going to take over....sadly.

Fear The Fox...Fixed On Six...for Jack #60

Re: Saluda Vs. Abbeville .... Vs. Gray??

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2021 8:14 pm
by Onion Rings
if the school can recruit (charter/private), make them play 1 classification up

Re: Saluda Vs. Abbeville .... Vs. Gray??

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2021 8:18 pm
by spectator
Creekwater Werts wrote:
Mon Sep 13, 2021 3:59 pm
My two cents on how Gray's charter advantage will inevitably ruin the best rivalry we've seen in a long time. And ultimately how charter schools as a whole will ruin SC HS Football, UNLESS adjustments are made to protect small communities. This is my opinion and not meant to jab all charter schools. Just the one's who use it for athletic advantage because it's sickening.

Saluda - Abbeville may be one of the most refreshing rivalries in the state. Two extremely small towns and probably two of the lowest student populations of all AA teams in the state.

Yet they both run programs the right way, and they both dominate.

It's wholesome to see these teams play by the book, and win by the book; and that's the way it should be.

As a Saluda fan, Abbeville has been nearly impossible to beat even with some extremely talented Saluda teams. What I love most though is that A-Town still shows respect to our club and the way that we do things in Saluda. I think it's very obvious to Abbeville who the 2nd best team in the state is year in and year out (Barring covid year) and they know that they can never overlook that. While there is still a gap between Abbeville and Saluda, up until recently, there was also a huge gap between Saluda and the rest of the state.

Then Gray comes along.

I've never ever been scared of Gray but what is happening over there is dangerous. Saluda among others used to throttle these guys, and now that they are picking up steam with their recruiting advantage, it is clear to see they are a AA contender. I'm also not one to make excuses, but I will be a very ticked off fella if they continue to grow and overtake Saluda and Abbeville, subsequently. Not only are they threatening one of the most anticipated rivalries in SC HS football, but above all, they just don't do things the right way.

Saluda and Abbeville always do it by the book, and thats why the rivalry is so great. It's why they respect each other as their biggest opponent year in and year out.

When I see teams like Gray, who used to get absolutely wrecked by Saluda and Abbeville, come in and take over a league just because they can recruit, it sickens me. They don't do things the right way and they get rewarded. Small towns like ours have to rely on very limited talent and coach ability while these guys get to just pick up a guy or two from every team in the midlands.

Their programs/coaches/tradition don't hold a candle to Salu or A-town, and they are only where they are because they have charter advantage.

It's unfair to everyone who can't, and it doesn't make you special just because you can.

If you see this Adam Holmes, you're not special. I know the SCHSL has made you feel that way, but you simply aren't. If you played by the rules like you used to, you would get wrecked by average AA teams, like you used to. We all know it, so you can quit your ra-ra, 'im your daddy' twitter interviews because they don't mean nothing when you play a program like ours. We know you can't beat the both of us.

At least until you broaden your recruiting pipeline again.

See you soon Gray, and for God sakes keep your accountant. They can cook books with the best of em from what I can tell!
Is Gray playing up a classification like Christ Church was made to do?

Re: Saluda Vs. Abbeville .... Vs. Gray??

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2021 6:20 am
by Atown97
Gray has 2AA size but their team pools are 5A they plug and play guys all over the team. Big difference from traditional team setup. They should have their own league like Georgia does Public/Private. But they consider themselves a public school to avoid the criteria. It's not only football It's all sports also.

Re: Saluda Vs. Abbeville .... Vs. Gray??

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2021 9:30 am
by Creekwater Werts
Atown97 wrote:
Tue Sep 14, 2021 6:20 am
Gray has 2AA size but their team pools are 5A they plug and play guys all over the team. Big difference from traditional team setup. They should have their own league like Georgia does Public/Private. But they consider themselves a public school to avoid the criteria. It's not only football It's all sports also.
No doubt. I know we all look through a football lens on here but other sports will be greatly affected as well. Basketball even more so than football.

I doubt anyone outside of Gray or Christ Church will even compete in basketball in the next few years.

It's a shame and just not fair to the kids in small towns who want to compete like everyone else.

Not good stuff..

Re: Saluda Vs. Abbeville .... Vs. Gray??

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2021 4:14 pm
by Atown97
Yes indeed

Re: Saluda Vs. Abbeville .... Vs. Gray??

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2021 8:54 pm
by Deputy
And this is something the SCHSL needs to get a handle on. Now they out forth an effort a few years back in an attempt to control Bishop England and Christ Church. And it seemed to work as far as football was related. But now you have all of the Legions, Oceanside's, Gray's, that are little more than baby IMG's. And even some of the private schools still get in on the party. Suddenly, Southside Christian has gone from being a not very talented team, into a power in their classification over the last couple years. One would hope that someday the SCHSL would actually do something constructive and put all of these folks in their own classification and let the true public schools compete against only each other.

Re: Saluda Vs. Abbeville .... Vs. Gray??

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2021 1:31 pm
by Creekwater Werts
Deputy wrote:
Wed Sep 15, 2021 8:54 pm
And this is something the SCHSL needs to get a handle on. Now they out forth an effort a few years back in an attempt to control Bishop England and Christ Church. And it seemed to work as far as football was related. But now you have all of the Legions, Oceanside's, Gray's, that are little more than baby IMG's. And even some of the private schools still get in on the party. Suddenly, Southside Christian has gone from being a not very talented team, into a power in their classification over the last couple years. One would hope that someday the SCHSL would actually do something constructive and put all of these folks in their own classification and let the true public schools compete against only each other.
I hear ya, Deputy... Is that too much to ask?

We're not making excuses or trying to remove anyone we can't beat. Matter of fact, Gray has only beat us once that I can remember. It's just disheartening to know they will inevitably progress to take over AA, unless something is done.

The real travesty are the teams below Gray in terms of success. While Gray hasn't really affected our success, it still makes me sour seeing them win just based on their recruiting advantage. The one time they did beat us, they were absolutely classless, and it made me sick. For the teams who are below gray in terms of success, and have been throttled by them in recent years, how are you not protesting this madness?

It ticks me off and I feel like nothing will be done until a few years after they take over this classification. What about the poor kids between now and then who just want a fair shot at a title. Not cupcaking, they just want a fair shot like everyone else.

Re: Saluda Vs. Abbeville .... Vs. Gray??

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2021 5:21 pm
by chief shooting bull
Well they get to come to Gaffney the 24th for an attitude adjustment. Son lives in Abbeville. Only place I've seen that is as crazy about high school ball as Gaffney, lol.