Saluda Vs. Abbeville .... Vs. Gray??
Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2021 3:59 pm
My two cents on how Gray's charter advantage will inevitably ruin the best rivalry we've seen in a long time. And ultimately how charter schools as a whole will ruin SC HS Football, UNLESS adjustments are made to protect small communities. This is my opinion and not meant to jab all charter schools. Just the one's who use it for athletic advantage because it's sickening.
Saluda - Abbeville may be one of the most refreshing rivalries in the state. Two extremely small towns and probably two of the lowest student populations of all AA teams in the state.
Yet they both run programs the right way, and they both dominate.
It's wholesome to see these teams play by the book, and win by the book; and that's the way it should be.
As a Saluda fan, Abbeville has been nearly impossible to beat even with some extremely talented Saluda teams. What I love most though is that A-Town still shows respect to our club and the way that we do things in Saluda. I think it's very obvious to Abbeville who the 2nd best team in the state is year in and year out (Barring covid year) and they know that they can never overlook that. While there is still a gap between Abbeville and Saluda, up until recently, there was also a huge gap between Saluda and the rest of the state.
Then Gray comes along.
I've never ever been scared of Gray but what is happening over there is dangerous. Saluda among others used to throttle these guys, and now that they are picking up steam with their recruiting advantage, it is clear to see they are a AA contender. I'm also not one to make excuses, but I will be a very ticked off fella if they continue to grow and overtake Saluda and Abbeville, subsequently. Not only are they threatening one of the most anticipated rivalries in SC HS football, but above all, they just don't do things the right way.
Saluda and Abbeville always do it by the book, and thats why the rivalry is so great. It's why they respect each other as their biggest opponent year in and year out.
When I see teams like Gray, who used to get absolutely wrecked by Saluda and Abbeville, come in and take over a league just because they can recruit, it sickens me. They don't do things the right way and they get rewarded. Small towns like ours have to rely on very limited talent and coach ability while these guys get to just pick up a guy or two from every team in the midlands.
Their programs/coaches/tradition don't hold a candle to Salu or A-town, and they are only where they are because they have charter advantage.
It's unfair to everyone who can't, and it doesn't make you special just because you can.
If you see this Adam Holmes, you're not special. I know the SCHSL has made you feel that way, but you simply aren't. If you played by the rules like you used to, you would get wrecked by average AA teams, like you used to. We all know it, so you can quit your ra-ra, 'im your daddy' twitter interviews because they don't mean nothing when you play a program like ours. We know you can't beat the both of us.
At least until you broaden your recruiting pipeline again.
See you soon Gray, and for God sakes keep your accountant. They can cook books with the best of em from what I can tell!
Saluda - Abbeville may be one of the most refreshing rivalries in the state. Two extremely small towns and probably two of the lowest student populations of all AA teams in the state.
Yet they both run programs the right way, and they both dominate.
It's wholesome to see these teams play by the book, and win by the book; and that's the way it should be.
As a Saluda fan, Abbeville has been nearly impossible to beat even with some extremely talented Saluda teams. What I love most though is that A-Town still shows respect to our club and the way that we do things in Saluda. I think it's very obvious to Abbeville who the 2nd best team in the state is year in and year out (Barring covid year) and they know that they can never overlook that. While there is still a gap between Abbeville and Saluda, up until recently, there was also a huge gap between Saluda and the rest of the state.
Then Gray comes along.
I've never ever been scared of Gray but what is happening over there is dangerous. Saluda among others used to throttle these guys, and now that they are picking up steam with their recruiting advantage, it is clear to see they are a AA contender. I'm also not one to make excuses, but I will be a very ticked off fella if they continue to grow and overtake Saluda and Abbeville, subsequently. Not only are they threatening one of the most anticipated rivalries in SC HS football, but above all, they just don't do things the right way.
Saluda and Abbeville always do it by the book, and thats why the rivalry is so great. It's why they respect each other as their biggest opponent year in and year out.
When I see teams like Gray, who used to get absolutely wrecked by Saluda and Abbeville, come in and take over a league just because they can recruit, it sickens me. They don't do things the right way and they get rewarded. Small towns like ours have to rely on very limited talent and coach ability while these guys get to just pick up a guy or two from every team in the midlands.
Their programs/coaches/tradition don't hold a candle to Salu or A-town, and they are only where they are because they have charter advantage.
It's unfair to everyone who can't, and it doesn't make you special just because you can.
If you see this Adam Holmes, you're not special. I know the SCHSL has made you feel that way, but you simply aren't. If you played by the rules like you used to, you would get wrecked by average AA teams, like you used to. We all know it, so you can quit your ra-ra, 'im your daddy' twitter interviews because they don't mean nothing when you play a program like ours. We know you can't beat the both of us.
At least until you broaden your recruiting pipeline again.
See you soon Gray, and for God sakes keep your accountant. They can cook books with the best of em from what I can tell!