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Im Done with PFT

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 9:20 am
Can't stand the constant barrage of surveys anymore. Even when I post a comment or any screen shift surveys pop up..I really can't see why anyone stays on there with all that non-sense . It got so bad that I went from using my computer , to my lap top, to my kindle where I was survey free for 5 months then they caught up to me somehow ,to my cell phone.. now I cannot even go on there with that...
I can agree that maybe just one or two surveys would be fine per visit , but not every time you post a reply, or just simply jump to another topic of discussion. Kinda reminds me of the NFL , totally commercialised and out of control . And there mods having the attitude of if you don't like it go somewhere else.. WTH...
I know I have probably said this on my first post on this forum , but, here goes again. Thank you for not selling out your forum and allowing a great group of guys the chance to talk Football ,and also to make new friends along the way. Gatorfan.

Re: Im Done with PFT

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 9:35 am
by trojangrad78
For what it is worth, I use Firefox with an addon called Adblock Plus. I only see the survey the first time I start PFT.

After one last attempt at a civil, football based thread on PFT, I am basically done. I prefer quality conversation to quantity and I don't feel that I need to comment on every topic.

If we are lucky, many on PFT will never find out about this site.

This site is a breath of fresh air.

Sorry, but my 2 cents worth.

Re: Im Done with PFT

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 11:08 am
by EHSMeanGreen
Welcome Aboard!
Enjoy your Swamp Talk shows. :)

Congrats on the Big Win against Dutch Fork. :)

Re: Im Done with PFT

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 11:11 am
EHSMeanGreen wrote:Welcome Aboard!
Enjoy your Swamp Talk shows. :)

Congrats on the Big Win against Dutch Fork. :)
Thanks and its good to be here... And thanks for listening EHSmeangreen :mrgreen:

Re: Im Done with PFT

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 12:11 pm
by Rebel-Fan-74
You know SF BAND DAD just has the biggest smile now... :D

This is why he put in all the hard work, for folks like you Gatorfan#001, EHSMEANGREEN, TROJANGRAD28, me, and like you, I thank him for his efforts.

Re: Im Done with PFT

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 12:14 pm
by trojangrad78
Rebel-Fan-74 wrote:You know SF BAND DAD just has the biggest smile now... :D

This is why he put in all the hard work, for folks like you Gatorfan#001, EHSMEANGREEN, TROJANGRAD28, me, and like you, I thank him for his efforts.

Re: Im Done with PFT

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 1:32 pm
by Wavefan70s
Hello y'all should do swamp talk business cards.yall could get that thing booming.

Re: Im Done with PFT

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 2:42 pm
by DeCav
I agree. The show last night really seemed to take it to the next level. You probably could have done another hour. Now if we can just get 74 to call in and tease your audience with some of the playoff projections and then tell them where to find the complete projection I imagine we'll pick up several brand new low country fans.

SFBD and I test drove a new feature that we're thinking of adding to the site. If it goes down Terry, you will go wild for it because it will go hand in hand with your show. 8-)

Re: Im Done with PFT

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 5:31 pm
by Rebel-Fan-74
DeCav wrote:I agree. The show last night really seemed to take it to the next level. You probably could have done another hour. Now if we can just get 74 to call in and tease your audience with some of the playoff projections and then tell them where to find the complete projection I imagine we'll pick up several brand new low country fans.
It wouldn't be my first one... and I'd be honored to do it!

I've done it with Stan Olinik a couple of times, usually he waits until week 10 and 11...

Re: Im Done with PFT

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 5:33 pm
by DeCav
Well in that case I suppose Gatorfan outta go ahead and carve out a 25 minute segment for 74 next Tuesday night.