Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2021 4:08 pm
An independent forum for South Carolina High School sports fans
Our dumbass band director plays while we are on offenseCITYSLICKER wrote: ↑Sat Oct 23, 2021 4:08 pmSADFORT BAND PLAYED EVERY TIME WE WERE ON OFFENSE, SHOULD BE BANNED PERIOD AND GIVEN A PENALTY
Dude Berkeley had a bitch fit because i blew air horn at thier kicker and entire team.banned air horns .fact .SF Band dad wrote: ↑Sat Oct 23, 2021 6:00 pmWelcome to South Carolina. If you want the band to sit silent during play you need to drive north on I-95 until you pass the big sombrero.
I was going to take an air horn to Sumter to harrass the annoying old homers that sit on the visitors side there. Unfortunately, they include air horns on their list of banned devices.Fortfor5 wrote: ↑Sat Oct 23, 2021 7:16 pmDude Berkeley had a bitch fit because i blew air horn at thier kicker and entire team.banned air horns .fact .SF Band dad wrote: ↑Sat Oct 23, 2021 6:00 pmWelcome to South Carolina. If you want the band to sit silent during play you need to drive north on I-95 until you pass the big sombrero.
They wanted to jail me but had no cause .
Meanwhile they have the student section or did anyway. The endzone blasting with speakers.which is against the rules.so i am told .cant bitch when you do shady stuff yourself .he sorta left that out though. Fyi
Not connected to the p.a
They need to suck it up.
Good for thr goose is good for the gander.
Turkey calls are loud .elk bugle calls also .legal too.SF Band dad wrote: ↑Sat Oct 23, 2021 9:20 pmI was going to take an air horn to Sumter to harrass the annoying old homers that sit on the visitors side there. Unfortunately, they include air horns on their list of banned devices.Fortfor5 wrote: ↑Sat Oct 23, 2021 7:16 pmDude Berkeley had a bitch fit because i blew air horn at thier kicker and entire team.banned air horns .fact .SF Band dad wrote: ↑Sat Oct 23, 2021 6:00 pmWelcome to South Carolina. If you want the band to sit silent during play you need to drive north on I-95 until you pass the big sombrero.
They wanted to jail me but had no cause .
Meanwhile they have the student section or did anyway. The endzone blasting with speakers.which is against the rules.so i am told .cant bitch when you do shady stuff yourself .he sorta left that out though. Fyi
Not connected to the p.a
They need to suck it up.
Good for thr goose is good for the gander.
Unfortunately, the Athletic Departments now have rap, hard rock or techno blasting at full volume during the game breaks. In fact, our school no longer has the band play the fight song as the team runs on to the field. The band heads for the stands after playing the national anthem and they play something over the loud speakers during the team's entrance. If the band can't play during the game they might as well not show up.CITYSLICKER wrote: ↑Sun Oct 24, 2021 10:39 amI WANT THEM TO NOT PLAY, NO CROWDS ARE EVER AROUND ANYMORE, WE PLAY JOCK JAMES, WHEN THE OTHER TEAM IS ON OFFENSE, WE STOP THE MUSIC.