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4A Projection has been updated.

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2021 10:54 am
by SCPrepTalk
4A Projection has been updated.
-Richland Northeast is the likely beneficiary of a potential 3-way tie for 4th place in 4A Region 4.
*Points against amongst tied teams would favor them over Dreher and Lugoff-Elgin.
a. 3-way tie for 4th
i. Richland Northeast (24+10=34)
ii. Dreher (20+19=39)
iii. Lugoff-Elgin (28+21=59)

*Of course, if one of them wins in Week 10, it would make this a moot point.

:arrow: 2021 SCPrepTalk SCHSL 4A Football Football Playoff Projection:

Bracket now has Richland Northeast as the 4A Region 4 #4 seed.

Re: 4A Projection has been updated.

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2021 11:01 am
by SCPrepTalk
Potential 3-way tie if they all win

*3-way Tiebreaker – Points allowed amongst tied teams
• A.C. Flora win, Irmo win, Westwood win
1. A.C. Flora
  • a. 3-way tie for 1st
    i. A.C. Flora (14+28=42)
    ii. Irmo (27+42=69)
    iii. Westwood (34+37=71)
2. Westwood (Head-to-Head over Irmo)
3. Irmo

:arrow: 2021 SCPrepTalk SCHSL 4A Football Football Playoff Projection:

Re: 4A Projection has been updated.

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2021 8:01 pm
by SCPrepTalk
*Updated 4A Bracket for Region 1 with Tiebreakers to better reflect outcomes projected by DOODLES

2021 - 4A Region 1 Scenario
Point Differential Tiebreakers with Max of +/-21 points
Week 10 - Travelers Rest at Easley, Westside at Pickens

• Easley win, Westside win
1. Westside (4-0)
2. Easley (3-1)
  • a. 3-way tie (1-3) for 3rd place – Point Differential among Tied Teams
    b. Travelers Rest – (+7) and (-3) = +3
    c. Pickens – (-17) and (+4) = -13
    d. Walhalla – (+17) and (-7) = +10
3. Walhalla (wins 3-way tie)
4. Pickens (Head-to-Head over Travelers Rest)
5. Travelers Rest

:arrow: 2021 SCPrepTalk SCHSL 4A Football Football Playoff Projection:

Re: 4A Projection has been updated.

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2021 8:42 am
by RetiredCoach77
SCPrepTalk wrote:
Wed Oct 27, 2021 10:54 am
4A Projection has been updated.
-Richland Northeast is the likely beneficiary of a potential 3-way tie for 4th place in 4A Region 4.
*Points against amongst tied teams would favor them over Dreher and Lugoff-Elgin.
a. 3-way tie for 4th
i. Richland Northeast (24+10=34)
ii. Dreher (20+19=39)
iii. Lugoff-Elgin (28+21=59)

*Of course, if one of them wins in Week 10, it would make this a moot point.

:arrow: 2021 SCPrepTalk SCHSL 4A Football Football Playoff Projection:

Bracket now has Richland Northeast as the 4A Region 4 #4 seed.
Need to recheck these scores

Re: 4A Projection has been updated.

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2021 9:03 am
by SCPrepTalk
RetiredCoach77 wrote:
Thu Oct 28, 2021 8:42 am
Need to recheck these scores
Dreher 28
Lugoff-Elgin 20

Richland Northeast 21
Lugoff-Elgin 24

Dreher 10
Richland Northeast 19

Fixing it. I had an incorrect score for RNE vs Lugoff-Elgin.
Really appreciate it. :mrgreen:
Will correct the Bracket Projection ASAP.

Re: 4A Projection has been updated.

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2021 9:19 am
by Rebel-Fan-74
RetiredCoach77 wrote:
Thu Oct 28, 2021 8:42 am
SCPrepTalk wrote:
Wed Oct 27, 2021 10:54 am
4A Projection has been updated.
-Richland Northeast is the likely beneficiary of a potential 3-way tie for 4th place in 4A Region 4.
*Points against amongst tied teams would favor them over Dreher and Lugoff-Elgin.
a. 3-way tie for 4th
i. Richland Northeast (24+10=34)
ii. Dreher (20+19=39)
iii. Lugoff-Elgin (28+21=59)

*Of course, if one of them wins in Week 10, it would make this a moot point.

:arrow: 2021 SCPrepTalk SCHSL 4A Football Football Playoff Projection:

I see these scores using SCORESTREAM,

Bracket now has Richland Northeast as the 4A Region 4 #4 seed.
Need to recheck these scores

Re: 4A Projection has been updated.

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2021 9:25 am
by SCPrepTalk
I accidentally grabbed the score of the 2020 Lugoff-Elgin vs Richland Northeast game. :oops:
It was 35-34 in 2020.

This year's score was 24-21.