Almost time for the STATE OF THE UNION message

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Byrnes Rebels
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Almost time for the STATE OF THE UNION message

Post by Rebel-Fan-74 »

And I have no desire to hear that message from any of our political leaders, Republican or Democrat.

But, I do want to hear from you about the STATE OF THE __________. Fill in the blank, the STATE OF THE EAGLES, STATE OF THE VIKINGS, STATE OF THE PATRIOTS, etc and etc.

What can we expect from your team next season. What did you lose, what's coming back, who have you recruited at Dutch Fork, JUST KIDDING, well sort of just kidding... :lol:

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I'm thinking about entering the transfer portal!
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Northwestern Trojans
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Re: Almost time for the STATE OF THE UNION message

Post by sparked_up »


There is a lot to look forward to at Northwestern in 2022. On offense, we return almost everything 4/5 OL, all experienced receivers, 2 primary running backs. The only new piece in 2022 is quarterback. Though QB is a pivotal part of the offense and Will Mattison is a tough act to follow the Trojans are excited about a young upcoming player who should earn the spot. On defense the Trojans do lose a lot of starters up front, but have strong young players stepping up in 2022. Special teams leaves a bit of a question mark after graduating a once in a generation talent in Kanoah Vinesette; his replacement is capable, but that is a high bar.

Northwestern should be a contender in 4A and should be playing in December of 2022. Of course South Pointe is always tough.

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