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alright people, sitting here with 2 implants put in my mouth today
Posted: Sun May 08, 2022 1:33 pm
my top teeth are falling out like burns fans, so had 2 implants screwed in my top mouth today, they are waking up and hurting like playing a game in hartsville pain, bleeding like a stuck pig, send me some medical mary jane to smoke, or inhale, whatever. damn it hurts to put store bought teeth in.
Re: alright people, sitting here with 2 implants put in my mouth today
Posted: Sun May 08, 2022 7:09 pm
by SF Band dad
I cracked one of my rear molars a few years ago and it had to be removed. I considered getting an implant but I got used to not having that tooth. I decided it's not worth the cost, time and pain. At least for now.
Re: alright people, sitting here with 2 implants put in my mouth today
Posted: Mon May 09, 2022 9:03 am
spent the night in emergency room throwing up, got home at 2am, started throwing again, not a happy camper this am, very little sleep, still nauseous
Re: alright people, sitting here with 2 implants put in my mouth today
Posted: Mon May 09, 2022 12:11 pm
by Penguin
Slick, I get that throwing up sick from the gas that they give you as anathesia. I puked all over my ortho doctor the morning after he put the 3 pins in my sacrum. I was trying to get him to release me to go home. I hadn't taken any pain meds since the recovery room. He signed off and away I went. He had on his lab coat covered with my vomit. LOL. Your lung issues may be part of what is causing you to be so sick. Try using some oxygen. It may help push that crap out of your system. Take care and hang in there buddy
Re: alright people, sitting here with 2 implants put in my mouth today
Posted: Wed May 11, 2022 10:15 pm
pinky, they just inected me with shots in the gum, couldnt let them put me out, the wife was with me, I might have started telling the truth under meds. love you lord lucifer.