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seans in trouble again

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2022 2:00 pm
Not good news, at musc emergency room at 1050 tonight, Sean had a difficult day today and tonight couldn't express his self very well, so rushed him down to a very hard place to be, they care not your problems and put you in line with less serious people, never under stand how good they do till you have to come in through the emergency room end, it's going to be a long night for mama and wife, I am on top of garage watching the rain move across, pray for sean, it's been 2 months since being here. Hope his 15 months can continue, so sad to look at the fear in your grown babies eyes and u can't understand or help

Re: seans in trouble again

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2022 2:02 pm
the stroke dr said it was hard to determine if there had be a stroke inside the cancerous tumor in his head, if so she didnt think would have changed his speech and confusion like it did, she said whatever it was, it was not a big one, he is still confused and not able to communicate very well, going to do more tests, he is in room 912 now in musc ,ashley river hospital. he wants to come home but they will keep him I believe. he got up and gingerly walked with help, his wife hadnt slept all night, so needed to bring her home to get stuff for sean to to take back and give her a little sleep, left mama with him, very unsettling but stroke doctor claims his brain, may recover and he be back to his thoughts and speech as best he can in a few days, its just heartbreaking to see your child so out of sorts and not sure whats going on.

Re: seans in trouble again

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2022 7:35 pm
by mikey
Prayer sent for Sean....strokes are cruel..

Re: seans in trouble again

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2022 10:25 pm
sean was full of rage today, wanting out of musc. he pleaded and begged and fussed, to escape, the weekend in hospital, is very slow,, it was funny at times and other times he was cryie, and at times he was why i am i here, so all in all, saw more words and better formations, one time he said gdamn and his mama fussed at him, and then he kept saying damn, damn, damn. so as jenn says baby steps and we will see where it goes, I brought his poor wife home
and let her sleep for a few hours and she is back down to night with him, so hopefully they will run the test on him, and let him come home tomorrow and be in his bed, please pray for sean to get back to his familiar resting places and recover from another set back after 2 months of being home and certainly getting by with no hospital stays or doctor visits, that cruel brain cancer sends its tentacles out in his brain and comes up with another way to slow his recovery. one good thing, is the mri didnt show great damage inside his brain per stroke dr. so the fight and journey continues for us all.

Re: seans in trouble again

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2022 5:45 am
Prayers sent. God is good.

Re: seans in trouble again

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2022 7:43 am
by 96fanatic
I am praying for Sean and the whole family.

Re: seans in trouble again

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2022 12:18 pm
by Penguin
So sorry to hear about this. I was in Charleston on Friday for nothing in particular. Almost drove to Monks Corner to visit with you. Sean, you, and the rest of your family are always on my mind. I hate that all of you are having to go through this terrible fight. I am never more than a phone call away.

Re: seans in trouble again

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2022 10:34 pm
I sit here tonight heartbroken over sean, we got him on late like 630, he was totally mad and enraged, his speech is pretty missing, his walk is horrible, and all great strides seem gone. they have tested him from his head to his arteries in his neck to his heart and still no answer for the complete change since friday night. they keep saying its not a stroke maybe a seizure, he had a hard time even removing his shoes. we took him to his bed and he started crying with me holding him up, i came home and started crying and couldnt stop, it was if his tears broke my spirit, I lay and just cried, your grown only baby boy, so strong and so smart, lost, confused, and totally broken. his eyes full of pain and with nothing to help him with. he has fought this cancer so hard and it just comes back like a beast with long tentacles to stop his progress and there is nothing we can do, the doctors made great money to treat these cancer patients and after awhile you wonder is the patient their real purpose or the big bucks they make on keeping the treatments going, tonight after 16 months, I am hurting and lost as my poor son is. why my son, why him, he did his all to become a productive adult and he played by the rules and he lays tonight, crying and lost, I weep and pray a miracle can come his way but the hard facts are confusing my thought paths, I leave you tonight a weeping, broken parent of a child with brain cancer.

Re: seans in trouble again

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2022 8:17 am
Slick- There is nothing to say that can heal what you feel at the moment. You are in our thoughts and prayers.

Children and grandchildren are a gift. Love them like the precious cargo they truly are...

Re: seans in trouble again

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2022 11:17 am
back in my man mode today, just so frayed the weekend, he was talking better today, so the dr said his brain may reboot and fix its self. someone told me that you have to break down every now and then to let you know you are human with feelings, done that, hopefully not for awhile again. I feel TWO emotions about posting one that people think I AM DOING A PITY PARTY FOR ME AND OTHERS LIKE PENGUIN TRULY FEEL THE PAIN AND WANT TO KNOW THE STORY CONTINUED AS IT HAPPENS.Either way it is a way to ease the pains in your id