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Slick Is Hurting

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2022 7:12 pm
by Penguin
I will spare you the horrid details, I will let him tell you what is happening. He needs your support, and mine.

Slick, my heart goes out to all of you, especially Sean's mother. I know that this has to be extremely difficult for her. I have to be in Mount Pleasant for a blood draw on Monday. No particular time. Probably be mid morning. I will be by myself. I would like to come by and see you if you are up for it. It's been a while and I know that you are hurting. I will call you when I leave the MUSC lab on Monday morning. I will bring you some boiled peanuts from Benton's Farm. See you soon, Pengiun

Re: Slick Is Hurting

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2022 12:48 am
by SF Band dad
Thank you Penguin. :|

Re: Slick Is Hurting

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2022 8:19 am
appreciate the offer, but buy peanuts by 5 lbs and keep them in freezer, I know its your heart talking, thanks for the thoughts, its not necessary to come way up here. thanks anyway.