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At Large Berths -- aka, The long bus ride of despair

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2022 9:53 pm
by SF Band dad
There are 3 at-large berths in 5A, 4 in 4A,..... who gets 'em?

I'm thinking that the 5th place team out of 4A-6 will be in. Could be Myrtle Beach, North Myrtle Beach, or Hartsville. I would not look forward to hosting any of these teams in the first round.

Re: At Large Berths -- aka, the long bus ride of despair

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2022 7:56 am
by bringthewood
might be the best thread title ever.....

Re: At Large Berths -- aka, the long bus ride of despair

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2022 8:54 am
by GoBigGreen
Do the lower state at large berths have to come from the lower state? With the top 4 from Region 5, 6 and 7 all making it in, and taking the projection as reality, that would leave 0-8 Stall(Reg7), 2-7 Stratford(Reg6) and 2-7 Socastee(Reg5). With Region 4 being split across the upper and lower brackets the only team left out is 3-6 Chapin(Reg4). With 2 at large berths in the lower state, will 2 of these 4 teams fill the spots?

Re: At Large Berths -- aka, the long bus ride of despair

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2022 9:21 am
by STChamp 92
This is what I'm wondering as well.. Boiling Springs doesn't actually have a game this week and are on a bye... but they are practicing just in case we end up being one of these "at large" teams... record is 2-8 overall, but 0-4 in region 2 5a.

Re: At Large Berths -- aka, the long bus ride of despair

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2022 11:29 am
by sparked_up
Great question. To load all the at large berths in 4A to the low state would be flat wrong. That is where they are bracketed, but need to be next 4 best. Balanced at the minimum. Region 3 4A should get one of the at large spots.

Re: At Large Berths -- aka, the long bus ride of despair

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2022 12:19 pm

Re: At Large Berths -- aka, the long bus ride of despair

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2022 12:19 pm
by SCPrepTalk
Just got a message

4A - At large bids are statewide…..No criteria only a selection committee.

From the bracket posted at the SCHSL
5A At-large berths
1. Automatic Qualifiers- Top 5 in 6 team region, Top 3 in a five team region
2. Region 1-3 and the #1 and #4 teams in Region 4 the Upper State. Region 5-7 and the #2 and #3 place team from Region 4 are the Lower State.
3. Upper State will have 15 automatic qualifiers and select 1 at large teams from the next team out of playoffs in Region 1-3
4. Lower State will have 14 automatic qualifiers and select 2 at large team from the next team out of the playoffs in Region 4-7

Re: At Large Berths -- aka, the long bus ride of despair

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2022 4:06 pm
by GoBigGreen
Should point 1 state Top 4 in a five team region instead of Top 3? Looking at the brackets that appears to be the case. If so, from regions 4-7 only 1 team from each region will not be an automatic qualifier. Of the 4 teams that do not get the automatic qualifier, 2 will get at large entries leaving only 2 teams not making it in from regions 4-7. One of those teams is 0-8 Stall. So from this week's games for regions 4-7 we will determine that last team out and the final playoff seedings.