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SCPrepTalk Pick'ems due date changed- Updated

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2022 10:44 am
by SCPrepTalk
SCPrepTalk Pick'ems
We'll adjust when they are due as we find out all of the changes.

**SCPREPTALK 5A/4A and 3A/2A pick'ems are due on Thursday at 6pm.
*"I Called It" picks are just due before the game is played.

**Only Three games are being played on Wednesday Night.
5A Wednesday 11/9/2022 7:00pm Berkeley @ Fort Dorchester
4A Wednesday 11/9/2022 7:30pm Myrtle Beach @ West Florence
4A Wednesday 11/9/2022 7:30pm Bluffton @ South Florence

If you pick after these 3 games have started you will be given the Favorite according to DOODLES.
If you want to pick the underdog in any of these games you have to pick before the games start on Wednesday.

Just trying to give people more time to participate. :idea:
Good Luck Everybody! :D
Stay Safe! :mrgreen:

Re: SCPrepTalk Pick'ems due date changed

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2022 3:41 pm
by SCPrepTalk
*Because the Myrtle Beach at West Florence game was played on Wednesday and it is the 1st Tiebreaker: Total Points for Myrtle Beach @ West Florence = ??

*Those that weren't able to pick before that game was played.....
your 2nd Tiebreaker: Total Points for Carolina Forest @ Goose Creek = ??
will become your 1st Tiebreaker for Total Points.

Those that did pick before the Wednesday games were played.....
Your 1st or 2nd Tiebreaker will be counted as your 1st Tiebreaker. Whichever one is the closest.
So advantage goes to those that picked earlier. :idea:

Just trying to roll with all the changes.

Good Luck. :)
Thanks for picking and posting at SCPrepTalk! :mrgreen: