There is a general FAQ for the phpBB forum software available on the upper main menu bar and also at this link: phpBB FAQ
1. What do all those different icons mean?
Red icons indicate that new replies or topics have been posted in that area since the last time you viewed that page.
Popular Topics (with more than 25 replies) are marked with a flame.
Topics that you have participated in are marked with a red star.
"Sticky" Topics and Announcements are special topics that a Moderator has pinned to the top of a forum, they are marked with an exclamation point.
Topics can be locked by a Moderator to prevent additional Replies. Locked Topics are marked with a Padlock.
Moderators can leave a "Shadow Topic" link when they move a Topic to another Forum. Shadow topics are marked with a arrow pointing up and to the left.
Members can add a "Post Icon" to the Topics or Replies they compose. The "Post Icons" are available above the text-entry window when composing an initial topic post or reply. If added to the initial post of a topic the Post Icon will appear above and to the right of the Topic Icon. If added to a reply, the Post Icon will appear in the header of the reply.