SCPrepTalk FAQ ( Frequently Asked Questions )

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions and a forum for suggesting and discussing ideas about how to improve the board.
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SF Band dad
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SCPrepTalk FAQ ( Frequently Asked Questions )

Post by SF Band dad »

This FAQ will focus on issues that are unique to the SCPrepTalk forum and our implementation of the phpBB software it is run on.

There is a general FAQ for the phpBB forum software available on the upper main menu bar and also at this link: phpBB FAQ

1. What do all those different icons mean?

Red icons indicate that new replies or topics have been posted in that area since the last time you viewed that page.

Popular Topics (with more than 25 replies) are marked with a flame.

Topics that you have participated in are marked with a red star.

"Sticky" Topics and Announcements are special topics that a Moderator has pinned to the top of a forum, they are marked with an exclamation point.

Topics can be locked by a Moderator to prevent additional Replies. Locked Topics are marked with a Padlock.

Moderators can leave a "Shadow Topic" link when they move a Topic to another Forum. Shadow topics are marked with a arrow pointing up and to the left.

Members can add a "Post Icon" to the Topics or Replies they compose. The "Post Icons" are available above the text-entry window when composing an initial topic post or reply. If added to the initial post of a topic the Post Icon will appear above and to the right of the Topic Icon. If added to a reply, the Post Icon will appear in the header of the reply.

Image "Mr.Green" Post Icon added to a reply.

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Re: SCPrepTalk FAQ ( Frequently Asked Questions )

Post by SF Band dad »

2. How do I add an avatar (graphic) to my profile?

At the top of the page you'll find a link to the "User Control Panel".
Once there click on the "Profile" tab. On the left you'll see an option to "Edit Avatar".

There you'll find options to upload a graphic from your PC or another website.

This version of phpBB software limits the maximum file size to: width: 90 pixels, height: 90 pixels, file size: 49 Kb.
You may have to edit your graphic to achieve this small size. If you don't know how just ask for help in the "Suggestions & Questions" topic, there are several geeks here that will stumble over themselves to help you. :D

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Re: SCPrepTalk FAQ ( Frequently Asked Questions )

Post by SF Band dad »

3. How do I add my school's name and mascot under my screen-name and change my screen name color?

We decided to the use the forum's Rank feature for team names instead of the usual ranks based on the number of posts and replies. The rank is automatically set when you join a school Group and make that group your default group. Initially everyone is in the generic group "No Team Affiliation".

4. How do I join a school Group?

To join a group:
- Go to the User Control Panel available in the top menu bar:
- Select the Usergroups tab.
- Select the Group you wish to join by clicking the circle to the right of it.*
- Scroll down to the bottom of the page and hit the [Submit] button.
Follow the instructions below to make this your default group.

* If your school isn't listed just post the request to the "Suggestions & Questions" topic and we'll get it added.

4a. How do I change my Default (school) Group?
You can be a member of multiple Groups, to select your Default Group:
- Go to the User Control Panel available in the top menu bar:
- Select the Usergroups tab.
- Select the Group you want as your Default by clicking the circle to the left of it.
- Scroll down to the bottom of the page and hit the [Change default group] button.

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Re: SCPrepTalk FAQ ( Frequently Asked Questions )

Post by SF Band dad »

5a. How do I include an image in my post or reply?

Method 1: You can create a link to an image file stored elsewhere on the internet using the "Img" button above reply window.

When you hit the Image button it creates a pair of 'tags' that allows you to insert the internet address (URL) of the image file.

Code box showing the "Img" tags:

Code: Select all

You can then paste the URL of the image file between the tags. In this example I have pasted the URL of the SCHSL logo between the Image tags:

Code: Select all

The image file identified between the image tags is then displayed in the post. The example above results in this:
You have to be careful when linking to an image that belongs to someone else as I have done above. Chances are the SCHSL isn't going to change their logo image, but they could move it to another location on their website which would make our link not work. I'm sure their logo is covered by copyright, but in this case I could claim "fair use" for non-profit, educational use. Regardless, if they asked I would quickly take the image down.

The biggest risk is that the owner of the linked file can replace it with an image you would not want displayed. (Advertising, pornography,....anything)

It is always best to only link to images you own and control, or to those from a trusted source that will not mind you sharing their intellectual property.

5b. How do I include an image that is a hyperlink to another internet page?

Use the code below to do this. Click "Select All" below to select the code. Then hit CTRL C or right click on the blue text and click "COPY". In your post, hit CTRL V or right click in the post and click "PASTE".

Delete the part that says "website you want to link to" and insert the internet address you want the image to link to.
Delete the part that says "internet address of image" and insert the address of the image you want to use.

Code: Select all

[url=website you want to link to][img]internet address of image[/img][/url]

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SF Band dad
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Re: SCPrepTalk FAQ ( Frequently Asked Questions )

Post by SF Band dad »

6a. How do I post a link to another website or document on the internet?

Method 1: Just copy and paste the URL into your post. The forum software will recognize the text as a web address and automatically turn it into a hyperlink.

Example link to the 4A handbook on the SCHSL website:

Method 2: If the forum software doesn't automatically create a good link from the pasted text you can use the "URL" button above the reply window to insert a pair of "URL tags". Paste the web URL between the tags.

Code box showing a document URL pasted between "URL tags"

Code: Select all


The above code results in this:

Here is a quick code to paste into your posts. Click "Select All", CTRL C and in your post click CTRL V. Then select the first part and replace it with the address you're linking to. Select the second part and replace it with what you want your hyperlink to say.
6b. How do I make some text in my post into a link to another website or document on the internet?

Use your mouse or <shift + arrow> keys to select the text you want to be a link.

Click the "URL" button above the reply window, a pair of "URL tags" will be placed around your selected text.

Use your mouse or arrow keys to move the cursor after the "L" in the leading "URL tag", type the " = " symbol and paste the URL into the tag.

Code box showing the original text.

Code: Select all

This is an example of a link to the 4A Handbook
Code box showing the "URL tags" around the text to be turned into a link.

Code: Select all

This is an example of a link to the [url]4A Handbook[/url].
Code box showing the target URL pasted into the leading "URL tag".

Code: Select all

This is an example of a link to the [url=]4A Handbook[/url].
The above code results in this:
This is an example of a link to the 4A Handbook.

Here's a quick code to paste in your posts to create this kind of link. Just replace "web address you want to link to" and "what you want the hyperlink to say" with the appropriate content for your use.

Code: Select all

[url=web address you want to link to]what you want the hyperlink to say[/url]
