College Bowl future

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Byrnes Rebels
Posts: 3436
Joined: Fri Feb 01, 2013 7:47 am
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College Bowl future

Post by Rebel-Fan-74 »

With expanded playoffs beginning next year with first round games at the campus of the higher seeded team, that will leave less teams available to fill the bowl slots. Couple that with the quitters, excuse me, I mean OPT OUTS by players "preparing for the draft" or entering the transfer portal which will make those games even less exciting and LESS LIKELY TO GAIN AND OR KEEP SPONSORS, bowl games may go the way of the dodo bird.....

This year, there was at least one game with a 5-7 team. So does the NCAA become like 5A is in SC where too many teams get in the postseason?

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I'm thinking about entering the transfer portal!
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