Really really good points. And of course in the current ebb and flow of political machinations, it occurs to me that I'm not arbiter of what is and what is not a good point. It's very subjective. But as someone who considers himself more and more an agressive centrist, I have to say it's heartening to me that we agree on gun laws. I think everyone would be surprised at how much everyone is thinking about issues more and more these days.cavaliereagle wrote: ↑Tue Jan 12, 2021 11:34 pmDeCav wrote: ↑Tue Jan 12, 2021 7:02 pmThanks man. It means a lot. And of course I want some push back as well. The things I'm learning this year are truly blowing my mind and only go to show me how much I truly don't know.
Mr. Miagi said if you walk on the left side of the road you're fine and if you walk on the right side of the road you're fine but if you walk in the middle you'll get run over. With respect to learning something full tilt or not at all I agree with that analogy but when it comes to politics and the social landscape, I have to say that I've learned that I've always been just right of center and now I feel as though I can say with full conviction that I'm aggressively centrist.
It all makes sense in my head but getting it on paper is always a challenge. I've cited a lot of psychology as it relates to politics and it really resonates with me. What I'm slowly coming to believe (notice I don't claim to "know" anything...only believe) is that society will break down all the way to the left and it will break down all the way to the right. Learning about the human brain and the functions that each hemisphere carry out for us to be able to function has seeded my own brain for a lot of thought on the subject of our politics in America. There seems an assymetrical push in this country for the last four years to absolutely abolish liberal politics 100%.
I believe abolishing the politics of the "other" side has gone on more than 4 years. Although, it has reached a fever pitch. Conservative policies have been under attack for decades though. Look at abortion, prayer in schools, 10 Commandment removal, same sex marriage, etc.
I personally have very little doubt that had the siege on the Capitol succeeded in installing Trump back in as president that these mobs would have seen no reason at all to stop there. Why not remove through acts of coercion and in some cases, violence every Democrat from Congress and install only the candidates that the mob wanted in Washington. I'm truly dumbfounded at accusations that a Clinton presidency would have meant the end of American democracy when four years of Trump ended in an actual attempt at a coup.
I still can't believe that was allowed! Terrorists are watching.
You've never seen me opine about gun control or the 2nd amendment because I really don't feel one way or the other about it. Where we're currently at seems like a happy medium to me. Some in this country would have all firearms outlawed forever while there are others on the other side who'd gladly welcome the legalization of rocket launchers and grenades. And both extreme sides of the argument seem to loathe the idea of a compromise. I'll never understand why some people insist on having all or nothing.
Actually, you can legally own rocket launchers, grenades, bazookas, tanks, fighter jets, assault rifles, etc...You've just got to meet all the requirements.
Consider this.....
In Washington DC, concealed carry is legal with a DC issued license.
What is prohibited obviously is transporting your gun to DC even if it's registered in your state. Oddly, many who stormed our Capitol building were law-abiding enough mostly to leave behind their guns but not so much so that they were deterred from unlawfully entering the Capitol building taking shits on the floor, smearing it on the walls, and in one case beating a Capitol police officer to death with a fire extinguisher.
Assault rifles are prohibited DC.
Ok, this seems like a compromise. No one's 2nd amendment seems to be denied here. If you live in DC, you can own a firearm and even move about with it as long as it's concealed. And in whatever state you live you are also allowed to own a firearm. The compromise in DC (thank GOD) was that you can't bring your gun to DC unless you're going to somehow also register it there.
What's the upshot of that law?
Well imagine every one of those rioters also armed not only with guns but with assault rifles with the largest capacity magazines available. We're calling balls and strikes here. We all know anyone who stormed that building on Jan 6th not only own guns that they decided to keep back home but would have gladly brought them and brandished them had the law permitted. And once things got ginned up after people started trying to enter the building, had everyone of those people had loaded firearms, a lot more people would have died.
So again, I don't ever weigh in on gun control because it seems our laws are more or less where they need to be in my opinion. I'm hard pressed to think of a better example than Jan 6th of a gun law being exactly what was needed to prevent carnage without stepping on the 2nd amendment.
I'm satisfied with our gun laws. I do believe we need to continue to fight restrictions though. The old give them an inch reason.
And for anyone who thinks we need guns so we can overthrow our government?
Anyone who thinks you can overthrow America is bringing an AR-15 to a drone fight. There is going to be a serious cleaning of house and revetting of our police force and armed forces. Unfortunately, for a lot of law abiding, non-treasonous Trump voters, that actions of a few on Jan 6th are gonna make "MAGA" whether it's fair or not, be seen by some as the mark of the Devil when it comes to a propensity for violent sedition. Officials are already coming to terms with the fact that the 6th was more of an inside job than many would have ever dreamed.
Not overthrowing the government, but protecting us from it. The Constitution says what it says. However, we are in agreement on our gun laws. Remember, those guns would have also been used to stop the coup. The fight wouldn't necessarily be against the government, but rather a faction. On the 6th, both sides of the fight was the government.
I'm not saying that. Don't shoot the messenger.
I've seen a few Trump supporters piss on the fire and break camp after Jan 6th. Many Americans have been saying it was headed that way before that day came. Like myself who bumped into the back of a car at a stop light while intoxicated 2 years ago, yeah awesome...i dodged a bullet and learned my lesson but not without playing Russian roulette first.
Had fewer voters showed up for Biden? Had Trump won second term? A lot of disillusioned Trump supporters would have been full steam ahead for whatever another 4 years would have held. And this is a man who demanded a third term because his first one didn't count in his estimation.
I'm hoping he doesn't destroy any chance Pence may have down the road.
Oh CavEagle, did I ever mention I know how to make abortions all but go away? Without mucking about with Supreme Court Justices.
Let's tackle that subject next.
My boy has now bought two handguns, a shotgun, and an AR-15. He says he's very careful about them but I don't miss an opportunity to point out that he's not taking it seriously enough. I have my 4 and 6 yr old grandkids come over all the time, and sometimes it's a spur of the moment thing. Today, Ash had out is two handguns splayed on our kitchen counters. I picked one up and he became alarmed and said, "Dad, be careful...those are loaded!"
Now, I appreciate him being aware enough to warn me so quickly, but it was 4:30 pm. What are loaded handguns doing on my kitchen counter? I pointed out to them that my grandkid's mother might message at any hour of the day needing to drop them off. Having loaded weapons laying around the kitchen is just simply a deal breaker. I told him if he wanted to keep his AR-15 he needed a gunsafe. He compromised by buying a nice lock for his closet and promising to keep his weapons there.
Also I we came to an agreement if I ever see his handguns out within reach, I can pop out the magazines and expell the bullets without him getting butt hurt. At least he's adult enough to admit that the AR-15 is a toy for him. He admits he doesn't need an assault rifle to defend our home when he already has 2 handguns and a shotgun. I'd be depressed if he gave me any other argument about the assault rifle other than it's cool. Which I'm actually OK with.
I agree with you about pushing on both sides. Yes, give an inch they'll want a mile. The NRA keeps the libs in check and I don't have a problem with that. If the government all of a sudden said "No more guns!" I'd get nervous. It's all the more reason for each American not to give the government excuses to convince half the population that it would be a good thing. Ask an Australian! I have.
And for anyone mad enough to pull for a revolution, get on an international FB group and make friends with people around the world. You might be embarrased that you're mad enough to flirt with the Devil and tear down our current form of government. Peterson says when societies pull down their form of government, what is built on the ash's is almost always far far worse.