I don't generally let myself get caught up in gun rights debates. People are just too dug in.
But I like DF's angle on the discussion which seems mostly to be "We have to do SOMETHING."
Obviously, that something would have to be an idea that all but the most zealous gun nuts could agree on.
It seems to me that there is the LEAST some people could do to help without risking a change to gun legislation or spending a dime on mental health. I'm not even talking about PSA's or marketed helplines for bullied, nihilistic kids who might be about to explode (which seems like something a sensible government might do btw.)
How about we just try and curb the glorification of guns? Is that too much to ask?
Maybe no more Christmas cards with every member of the family posing in front of a Christmas tree with ridiculous-looking weapons like it's a John Rambo downhome Christmas?
I mean Jesus Christ! Literally! These are the EXACT same people who will simultaneously go on a rant about how people have forgotten the most important thing about Christmas and the "Reason for the season".
Look what these families consider the centerpiece of their Christmas experience...
I could keep posting these but there isn't actually an end to them on Google.
My question is this: Exactly how many degrees are there between those pics and the one below?
Then the question is, "As a Christian, do you find the image of Jesus holding a rifle offensive in any way?"
If the answer is yes, then why not at least speak out against it? It's not like pro-gun people are afraid of what people think of them. Or are they?
Because it's my belief that any reasonable person that isn't in an absolute fever dream of gun ecstasy (Def: an emotional or religious frenzy or trance-like state, originally one involving an experience of mystic self-transcendence) would reject images of Christ holding guns and would be turned off by all these Christmas cards with guns as the centerpiece. What if these families were posing with aborted fetuses? They'd never do that because they'll do anything to protect the unborn child. But to quote Carlin, "...once you're born you're on your own. If your pre-born you're fine, if you're pre-school you're fkd."
If the pro-gun/pro-life group could just do as much to save the kids as they do to make sure the children even have a chance to be born.
Oh wait. 99.9% of outspoken pro-life advocates consider themselves warriors for the unborn child because they've been going to a polling center once every 4 years for the last 50 years and pulling a lever for a politician. An act of sacrifice that requires about 30 minutes of their time. God bless them! I'm sure all the legally aborted fetuses for the last 50 years are looking down from Heaven with sublime gratitude for their passionate work to prevent the very act that put them there in the clouds.
It's been my personal experience that a lot of these passionate advocates actually have a sense of what is right and wrong that seems to map quite accurately over my own sense of right and wrong. Some of these people though are chicken shits of the highest order. Why do I say this? Too many private conversations with them where they drop the act and actually do speak truth to power (but only privately because God knows if they shared these thoughts on FB, their tribe would come after them with emojis of pitchforks and torches (of the Tiki variety, of course!)
In a late-night texted conversation with 1st and Goal, he told me he was offended by the former President having peppered peaceful protestors in order for him to walk to a church so that he could pose for a picture holding the Bible upside down. He also said matter-of-factly, "Hell, everyone knows he ain't no Christian!"
"So you knowingly voted for a Republican who is about as spiritually bankrupt as they come?"
"Well it ain't for me to say whether someone is a Christian or not."
"Except that you just indicated that at the very least you yourself know he's not a believer."
No answer.
Did this person ever espouse this nuanced view on his FB page? Hell no! I can say that because he's a FB friend of mine and I get his posts on my feed. God help him if he ever decided to actually post such opinions. We have all seen what happens to anyone who questions ANYTHING about the former President. Liz Cheney had a significantly more pro-Trump voting record than the person who replaced her. But she stepped out of line with respect to the strict code of loyalty that has gripped her tribe. Mitch McConnel is the most gangsta conservative I've ever seen (who actually gets anything done). Holding the SCOTUS seat open for more than half a year during Obama's presidency so that Trump could fill the seat and tip the balance. And then when RBG died, he reversed engines, flipped his argument, and got a third SCOTUS appointed just before Biden took office.
Literally, he is THE reason why any Christian is currently feeling more hope than ever that RvW might be overturned. In 50 years, it's the closest this country has been to outlawing abortion but the one politician who engineered it his now hated by the very people he was serving. Not because of a scandal. Just because he didn't tow 100% of the line and dared say anything that his base considered an affront to their opinion of the former President.
I'll say this: Hypothetically, it could have come out that McConnel had once paid for an abortion to cover up an affair he once had and he would have been forgiven by his base. But saying the election wasn't rigged or that Trump had anything to do with Jan 6th is just a bridge TOO far.
Does this REALLY make any sense to anyone? Seriously? What is the arc here? What's the plan with this? Do you want to the GOP to have more power and influence over policy? Or do these people just want a balls-out spectacle regardless of the actual real-world political consequences?
But I digress.
More examples? In another late-night text conversation with John64 (another Rebel), the things he was actually texting me were so "interesting" that when I suggested I copy and paste it to my FB wall he threatened me about going public with his beliefs.
I have had the former President described to me by two-time Trump voters that he was an asshole, a bully, a monster, an apostate, and a "toxic leader". Not from one voter. Those comments are culled from 3 different people. But only uttered when they were sure no one else was listening. It's worse than someone who's possessed with an ideology. These people seem to be indicating that deep down they are truly conflicted to some degree. Not sure why anyone is saying one thing publicly and a different thing privately. It's a sign that perhaps that they are not truly integrated from top to bottom.
Go read my FB page and then have a private conversation with me. I guarantee you'll find zero discrepancies between the two. The person I am in public is the person I am in private. I seriously believe that if more people were like DFOLD, 50% of our problems would go away. Why?
Because he's nuanced and he isn't afraid to speak his mind.
Let's call balls and strikes here and drop the axiomatic ideologies. Seriously. People so often get caught up in the question, "Do I take a left or do I take a right?". It's as if they've dead-ended at an intellectual T-intersection and directly across from them is a cornfield or something.
Let's say one direction is zero degrees on a protractor. And the other direction is 180 degrees. Guess what I discovered late in life and still have to remind myself of from time to time. Between a 90-degree left and a 90-degree right is actually 180 degrees of freedom you have to plot your belief system. It's called compromise. It's probably the single most important reason that we ever became civilized as a species. It's the only thing that keeps us from devolving into tribal warfare and we are losing the ability or at least the will to keep doing it.
I have a theory. If every single person in the country posted on social media what they REALLY say or think when they think no one is watching, we might resolve a good chunk of the shit we keep bitching at each other about. Now obviously what some people think and what some people say is perfectly integrated even if it seems dispicable. I have more respect for those supporters than I do the ones who are thinking one thing and saying a different thing.
This was just going to be a short post suggesting that maybe we all get together and agree on the LEAST thing that could be done.
Does it seem that this over-the-top almost "gun-porn" is something we could agree isn't helping?
Probably wouldn't save a single innocent life if it ended but it's definitely part of the solution.
None of us would EVER think of even posting a picture of a pistol, much less a rifle on this site. Why is that? Of course, I realize I've just posted more gun pics than was ever posted on PFT or SCPrep combined. But I guess I'll let it stand as a possible point. If the pics are removed by the admins, or I'm censored in any way it will say a LOT about how mixed up our priorities are that it's only offensive on an obscure high school sports site where let's face it, only student-athletes might be group of teenagers who are almost guaranteed never to shoot up a school.
But some of the same people who would decry these images on a high school-centered site would have no compunction whatsoever about posting even more heinous images on their own FB page where kids of all ages and cliques can soak it up.
Interestingly enough, the NRA does not advertise on television and neither do ammunition or gun manufacturers.
Why would they need to?????
Right-wing politicians are all too happy to run the commercials for them. Maybe we don't vote for any politician who feels it necessary to run ads where they're shooting at stupid bullshit so that people will vote for them? It's not enough for a politician to simply say they'll fight for gun owners rights?
I just think before America needs to really get under the hood on this situation and start enacting legislation or increasing funding for mental health or even spending a dime on the situation, we could start with some free cosmetic work to the vehicle?
DFOLD, there's my humble suggestion. Maybe people just stop with the gun porn? I'm not talking about stepping on anyone's 1st amendment rights either. As Jordan Peterson says, "Let it ALL be heard so that the objectionable views can be heard AND REJECTED."
Is anyone's 1st amendment rights being compromised by the fact that using the N-word is social suicide?
Nope. It's a sign that our 1st amendment system is working exactly as it should.
It seems a shame to me that some people can't defend their 2nd amendment rights without resorting to looking like a complete clown.
So there are my thoughts. No new gun laws. No tax money going to more mental health or more cops stationed at soft targets. Just a little social pressure from the right to throttle back and bit and pull out of this dive to the bottom to see who can post the most offensive pro-gun images and videos?
Sadly, this will anger someone and be something they'd never in a million years consider doing. Even if they'd never in a million years do it themselves.
One irony that just occurred to me. I've been told unequivocally that porn kills. So NO boobies on your FB page!!! But guns? Have at it!!!
...for now.
Peace and Love to you all and thank God we have a place like this where we can have a civil discussion. Disagreements and compromises. The sharing of ideas and willingness to listen to each other are the only ways we can move forward and end the madness....I think.
“Win as if you were used to it, lose as if you enjoyed it for a change.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson