Two words popped to my mind when I logged on and saw a post about me...
Geez! You don’t log on for almost a day and people apparently just start talking about you!
Well guys I figured the day would come when someone on the board would finally get fed up with all my boring hippy love s**t.
And wouldn’t you know it’d be a....
GAFFNEY FAN! Oooohh, big surprise!
Well I suppose I should address most of you who bothered to comment. Mike you’re first and remember, you asked for it!
Kids cover your ears....
...Ed, look away!
Mike, why don’t you go **** yourself. As a matter of fact all you Gaffney idiots can go **** yourselves! And after you finish that unspeakable, arguably biologically impossible act then why don’t you guys sit around in a circle and eat s**t and bark at the moon! Sounds like a normal day in the life of a Gaffney fan. Then after you get a belly full why don’t you all climb into a burning clown car and share a hot dog topped with lots of mustard gas on it! Someone once said that you guys weren’t fit to wallow in the mud with pigs, well for the record I stuck up for the pigs! I mean seriously, you guys must be an experiment in artificial stupidity! I mean is it possible that just once you guys could open your mouths or type a freaking sentence without subtracting from the sum of all human knowledge??? I’m sure that some of you probably inherited some degree of intelligence and grace from your forebearers but through diligence and sheer bloody-mindedness you’ve obviously overcome it! The rest of you get it honest I guess. I really think your mothers should have thrown you away and kept the storks!
I’d like to leave you guys with one last thought but I’m not sure you’d have anywhere to put it!
How’s that?
Nahhh, you’re right! I’m too dang soft. Guys I seriously didn’t mean any of it. Mike and all the Gaffney fans are lots of fun and the world would be a lot more boring and considerably less colorful without you guys in it. And by the way Mike, you’re one to talk. You let those other Gaffney nutballs make you look like a girlscout when it comes to trash talking! And while I’m at it, Stevology is another Gaffney loyal who is not pulling his fair share of the Gaffney Stupidity Train. (Meaning your posts are thoughtful and well balanced dude!)
Ok, so to whichever of the rebels that I met who seemed so dejected that I was sitting on the Gaffney side at the game...that was for you dude!
Sorry Ed, I know I let you down. Didn’t mean to disappoint you.
Well I’ve been waiting for someone to call me out on the spelling of my screenname. It comes from my email address and universal username that I’ve been using on every website for the last 15 years, DeCovelet. I combined it with Cavalier and came up with DeCavelier. That’s where the “E” comes from. Actually I thought better of it later and tried to change it to DeCavalier but it would seem it’s not possible to edit your screenname unless you want to cancel your account and create a new one which apparently also requires an alternate email address since the first is associated with your first account.
And to MXDAD, you are totally right. I really can’t help myself. I probably am incapable of stirring up too much trouble even if if I try. It’s an affliction I’ve had most of my life and my friends even make fun of me. When we were younger we used to play RISK, the board game and whenever one of the players got in a rough spot and were at my mercy, I’d always agree not to attack them and even would give them some of my own army units to help them survive my other two UTTERLY RUTHLESS friends. They would laugh at me and started calling me “nice guy dictator”, taken from an old obscure Saturday Night Live skit. (Already looked on youtube. Not there.)
To this day when I do anything disgustinlgy nice or unselfish they still call me that.
But I digress...
Thanks for the kind words and I’ll try to be meaner Mike. But if I get kicked off the message board for my diatribe then it is really all your fault.
Peace Out,