Low Country Fans!!!

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Dorman Cavaliers
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Low Country Fans!!!

Post by DeCav »

I'm good friends with a lot of you guys and I know you've pulled for Dorman over the years in certain games. Just wanted to let ya know that friendship is friendship and football is football.

Allegiances get complicated when you start making friends all over the state. To any Goose Creek, Summerville, Bluffton, Beaufort...etc fans who I call friends of mine..

...if you are pulling for Fort Dorchester next week then consider our friendship over!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I kid! I kid!

Seriously, if you're truly a Cav fan next week that's awesome! But if you're pulling for the low country team then that is awesome too and don't hold back or think you have to censor yourself about it on the board or in person. Some games I've pulled for Bluffton to beat Summerville and some games I've pulled for Summerville to beat Bluffton. Some games I pulled for the Vikes to beat the Rebels and some games I've pulled for the Rebels to beat the Vikes. I always worry just a tiny bit that I might offend a friend if I'm not pulling for his team to win a game but I know deep down we aren't really petty like that. The low country is truly a 2nd home for me when it comes to football and always will be. Let get this on! Upstate vs Lowerstate!
“Win as if you were used to it, lose as if you enjoyed it for a change.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Fort Dorchester Patriots
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Re: Low Country Fans!!!

Post by fdgrad00 »

I agree. I have much respect for dorman. This will be a great game. The coaching isnt as bad as some think. I thought the same thing but really as talented as fort has been for yrs it wasn't the coaching. It was the mentality. This group expect to win. Others go into games hoping to win. This team has heart. Good luck cavs lets have a clean injury free game.

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