Bust Up The Knights

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Bust Up The Knights

Post by Penguin »

After week 8, the season is now starting to shape up as far as Region standings are concerned. I was shocked to see that West Florence hung 63 points on Socastee last night. This would be the same Socastee team that played Conway to a 27-26 game this past Saturday. Region 6 AAAA now appears to be a 2 team race between West Florence and Carolina Forest. I haven't seen any prognostications yet putting the Knights on the #1 seed line. Some recalculating might just be in order. Color me impressed.
The "Godfather" didn't whine like The "Slobfather" is doing, when he got INDICTED!!!!!

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Re: Bust Up The Knights

Post by SF Band dad »

West Florence will finish in 1st or 2nd in region 6, but that's not saying much, it's an exceptionally weak region this year. I wouldn't be surprised to see the region champ lose to the lower state at-large team in the first round. Additionally, WF's schedule to date is arguably the weakest in 5A. They have a couple of talented players but it's really hard to figure out how good that team really is. This week's game against CF should tell the tale.

The Kah-nig-itts games so far:
Crestwood (4A) 0-6....win
Darlington (4A) 0-4....win
Lake City (3A) 3-4....win
Wilson (4A) 5-3....win
Camden (3A) 6-2...LOSS
Socastee (5A) 1-4...win

I hate to say it, but I hope we lose to Socastee this week so we don't finish in 4th place in the region and earn "the long bus ride of despair" to Dutch Fork in the first round.

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