South Pointe Stallions!

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South Pointe Stallions
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Re: South Pointe Stallions!

Post by 5thqtr »

Newcatntown wrote:PRAYERS SENT

Thank You Newcatntown!

And to all who have sent prayers for the Stallion family!
Choose to Lead or you should choose to "get out the way" of those who will lead!

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Re: South Pointe Stallions!

Post by 5thqtr »

Man - The Herald is "sucking wind"!

When BB was on top of things "he knew the pulse of this city"! And it centers around, not the Panthers, Gamecocks, Tigers, Tarheels, Wolfpack or any other alternative sport; "it centered around H.S. Football"! This new regime apparently see it as a "afterthought" and that's unfortunate! Oh well!
DGMW - they have done a story on area teams. Kudos for that. But, no follow up on the jamboree by now, tisk - tisk! I am not alone in the knowledge - around here that is many a people's sole reason for subscribing or picking up a paper! Then while in there - you may read the important news stuff, LOL!
How things have changed is all I can say and I can't say for the better in this case!
Choose to Lead or you should choose to "get out the way" of those who will lead!

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Re: South Pointe Stallions!

Post by sparked_up »

5thqtr wrote:Man - The Herald is "sucking wind"!

When BB was on top of things "he knew the pulse of this city"! And it centers around, not the Panthers, Gamecocks, Tigers, Tarheels, Wolfpack or any other alternative sport; "it centered around H.S. Football"! This new regime apparently see it as a "afterthought" and that's unfortunate! Oh well!
DGMW - they have done a story on area teams. Kudos for that. But, no follow up on the jamboree by now, tisk - tisk! I am not alone in the knowledge - around here that is many a people's sole reason for subscribing or picking up a paper! Then while in there - you may read the important news stuff, LOL!
How things have changed is all I can say and I can't say for the better in this case!
What you say is true! No current sports editor as McCormick moved on, but there seems to be little to no (timely) coverage of anything high school sports related. Disappointing.

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Re: South Pointe Stallions!

Post by Newcatntown »

Isn’t the Rock Hill Herald and Spartanburg Herald-Journal the same company? If so ...that might explain things....SHJ is/was owner of that dumpster fire of a football board and seems to not care about High School sports. :ugeek: ‘s :mrgreen:

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Re: South Pointe Stallions!

Post by Chuckster »

Newcatntown wrote:Isn’t the Rock Hill Herald and Spartanburg Herald-Journal the same company? If so ...that might explain things....SHJ is/was owner of that dumpster fire of a football board and seems to not care about High School sports. :ugeek: ‘s :mrgreen:
The Rock Hill Herald, Beaufort Gazette, The State Newspaper(Columbia), Charlotte Observer and Raleigh News and Observer are all owned by the McClatchy Newspapers. The Spartanburg Herald-Journal is owned by another group that is not related. Sparked Up is correct, McCormick moved on .... I believe to the Charlotte Business Journal. He did a great job with what he had to work with, Nothing but respect for him....McCormick maintained an online and twitter presence that kept people here engaged at least on the local sports scene.

All South Carolina and North Carolina McClatchy papers are "printed" out of Raleigh with a 9 pm deadline and then are distributed to the various cities served. The Rock Hill Herald is dead. Their former location in downtown Rock Hill has been vacated. The city of Rock Hill is now in the process of redeveloping that property.

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Re: South Pointe Stallions!

Post by Newcatntown »

Thanks Chuckster for clarification. I am as guilty as anyone from this area as to why The Herald is going downhill faster than CITYSLICKER’S boiled peanuts!! :o ! I’ve been here over 5 years now and used to buy The Herald daily but now the internet has made it easier to access what the paper had it in. I saw recently they upped the daily rate to $1.50 daily and $3.00 on Sunday’s. Nobody’s gonna pay that....
Hell..nobody even wants to buy the paper for fish wrap anymore!! :mrgreen:

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Re: South Pointe Stallions!

Post by Chuckster »

Newcatntown, you are correct.....they are losing subscribers by the day. For the last 2 years, the HS Football scores and articles in their "paper addition" came out on SUNDAY not SATURDAY....The Rock Hill Herald is maintained out of the Charlotte Observer Office in Charlotte......

I may be mistaken but I thought you were from down Beaufort way on the coast. I thought it was interesting that the Beaufort Gazette was owned by the same company as the RH Herald.......It would be interesting to see how they cover HS Football down there....newspaper .... radio etc.......any insight? Thanks.....

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Re: South Pointe Stallions!

Post by Newcatntown »

Lived in HIlton Head/Bluffton for 30 years Chuck...(hopefully more added soon). I’m was on the chain gang @ Bluffton for 5 years (still am as a guest)..... I don’t read The Island Packet like I used to....but they do cover sports fairly well.
The Bridge bowl between HHI and Bluffton is a pretty wild game that has a lot of media coverage...even Savannah’s TV stations cover the LOWCOUNTRY games.

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Re: South Pointe Stallions!

Post by Newcatntown »

Chuck....I had a senior moment last night :oops: I posted then deleted that Brett McCormack was at The Island Packet....I believe it was a guy named Justin Jarrett that covered Beaufort County sports. I confused the two as I remember now reading Brett’s name every week under the weekly state rankings. :lol: :oops:

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Re: South Pointe Stallions!

Post by Deputy »

I think the lack of interest is worse in the larger communities with seemingly a high school on every street corner. Smaller, one high school towns are a little bit immune to it because of the cradle to grave fan support most of those programs get rather than the transient fan base that rolls through the schools in larger towns.

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