racincowboy02 wrote:Byrnes thinks that every year they are relevant but then some team from up 85 smacks them back into reality and leaves them laying in that nasty duck pond they call a stadium drowning in their own tears lol. Spartanburg you can stick a fork in them cause they are dead and decaying and just opened up a brand new stadium to where all the teams can come and add to the decaying bodies. The puppies are just that puppies and will never be what they think they will be. Dorman gets lucky every 5 or so years and has a run to a state title game and ends up choking it away at the 1 yard line
Now the Indians are just bobbing and trying to survive until we get a new chief to lead the new warriors that will be in the tribe next season. Don't worry about these lil ole Indians and just wait its goin to come out with a bang and then everybody will be like what the where did they come from and then they will be like oh dear lord we have woken the sleeping giant
Dear God.
Are you channeling Sparty?
And as far as Dorman's relevance...we could use a little help from you guys!!
Fort D, Dutch Fork, Dutch Fork.....
Do we have to keep carrying the water?
“Win as if you were used to it, lose as if you enjoyed it for a change.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson