2020 Outlook for High School Football

Discussions for fans of all teams and all classes of South Carolina High School Football.

Will we have high school football this season?

Poll ended at Fri May 08, 2020 10:15 am

Yes, it will start on Week Zero as planned.
Yes, but not until the week after Labor Day
Yes, but it will only be REGION GAMES
NO, for the first time in my lifetime, there will not be any High School Football
Total votes: 32

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Re: 2020 Outlook for High School Football

Post by SF Band dad »

likeitRnot wrote:
Sat Apr 11, 2020 3:50 pm
The news comes as Anthony S. Fauci, the nation’s leading infectious disease expert, said he hopes for “a real degree of normality” by November. only person that seem to be upfront about all this!
The models that Fauci and other "experts" are using have ALL greatly over-estimated the number of infections and deaths to expect. They have had to continuously revise the numbers lower. That includes the IMHE model I linked above. I heard Fauci throwing shade on his "modelling buddies" at yesterday's briefing.

As of now, this model is predicting there will be no active cases in SC by June 24th. I expect they'll continue revising that date in.

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Re: 2020 Outlook for High School Football

Post by spectator »

Our Governor announcing the re-opening of South Carolina long before it is safe and sensible to do has placed this year's high school football season in great peril. His blind loyalty to ignorance has greatly reduced the probability of kids having any sports seasons for what could be a long time to come. Sadly, i believe we will see a deadly surge of cases and deaths that result from this stupidity and no, we will not have football this year. Probably college or high school. I hope i am wrong.

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Re: 2020 Outlook for High School Football

Post by Onion Rings »

agree with you spectator, and also hope you/we are wrong. Georgia going too fast also

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Re: 2020 Outlook for High School Football

Post by SF Band dad »

I disagree. The social isolation didn't prevent the spread of this virus, it just slowed it down so our hospitals would not be overwhelmed by the peak. We were successful, we flattened the curve, the peak has passed.

Covid-19 model - South Carolina

With no vaccine on the horizon, the only way we can create the "herd immunity" needed to protect the elderly and vulnerable is to have our young and healthy get out there,... catch it, defeat it and produce antibodies. Once there are an insufficient number of hosts the virus will fizzle out.

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Re: 2020 Outlook for High School Football

Post by spectator »

SF Band dad wrote:
Tue Apr 21, 2020 8:30 pm
I disagree. The social isolation didn't prevent the spread of this virus, it just slowed it down so our hospitals would not be overwhelmed by the peak. We were successful, we flattened the curve, the peak has passed.

Covid-19 model - South Carolina

With no vaccine on the horizon, the only way we can create the "herd immunity" needed to protect the elderly and vulnerable is to have our young and healthy get out there,... catch it, defeat it and produce antibodies. Once there are an insufficient number of hosts the virus will fizzle out.

Did you sleep at holiday inn express last night?.................EVERY disease expert in the world disagrees with you..................

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Re: 2020 Outlook for High School Football

Post by racincowboy02 »

Yea and every disease expert in the world has exaggerated its numbers and made this worse than what it really has been so keep buying the left media hype if you want to but if they don't open the state and country back up soon then there will be some riots and stuff that will happen and it won't be pretty especially since most of these orders are infringing on constitutional rights

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Re: 2020 Outlook for High School Football

Post by SF Band dad »

spectator wrote:
Tue Apr 21, 2020 11:46 pm
........EVERY disease expert in the world disagrees with you..................
Wrong. Just the ones the mainstream media chooses to spoon-feed the masses.

For perspective, covid-19 has killed 123 in SC this year. Influenza has killed 124 through the week ending 11 April. Compared to last year influenza death rates are level in the Pee Dee, down in the Upstate, Midlands and Lowcountry. Many of the Covid-19 deaths are people that would have otherwise died from influenza and pneumonia.
SC DHEC 2020-Flu-Watch

The economic slowdown has reduced the number of traffic fatalities. Year to date only 177 have been killed in SC this year compared to 232 last year. SC traffic related deaths down

I'm not saying Covid-19 isn't serious. Personally, I will not be venturing out into crowds as I have some health issues that put me at risk. I wouldn't recommend that we remove any of the safeguards we've established in nursing and retirement communities. But the risk has been over-blown. The vast majority of our society should be able to take minimal precautions and carry on with normal life.

The normal death-rate in the US is 0.86%, in an average year 47,250 people will die of something in SC. The current projection is that that 161 of those will be from Covid-19.

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Re: 2020 Outlook for High School Football

Post by OLDFART51 »

SF Band dad wrote:
Wed Apr 22, 2020 3:05 am
spectator wrote:
Tue Apr 21, 2020 11:46 pm
........EVERY disease expert in the world disagrees with you..................
Wrong. Just the ones the mainstream media chooses to spoon-feed the masses.

For perspective, covid-19 has killed 123 in SC this year. Influenza has killed 124 through the week ending 11 April. Compared to last year influenza death rates are level in the Pee Dee, down in the Upstate, Midlands and Lowcountry. Many of the Covid-19 deaths are people that would have otherwise died from influenza and pneumonia.
SC DHEC 2020-Flu-Watch

The economic slowdown has reduced the number of traffic fatalities. Year to date only 177 have been killed in SC this year compared to 232 last year. SC traffic related deaths down

I'm not saying Covid-19 isn't serious. Personally, I will not be venturing out into crowds as I have some health issues that put me at risk. I wouldn't recommend that we remove any of the safeguards we've established in nursing and retirement communities. But the risk has been over-blown. The vast majority of our society should be able to take minimal precautions and carry on with normal life.

The normal death-rate in the US is 0.86%, in an average year 47,250 people will die of something in SC. The current projection is that that 161 of those will be from Covid-19.

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Re: 2020 Outlook for High School Football

Post by Colbyc36 »

To be honest, I am about ready to go out and snort a BIG FAT LINE of the Rona, and just get it over with. Live or die.
"We opened the door to everyone. Its over."
-Tom Knotts

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Re: 2020 Outlook for High School Football


