Instant family: South Florence (former Sumter) football coach goes from no kids to 3 under 3

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SF Band dad
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Instant family: South Florence (former Sumter) football coach goes from no kids to 3 under 3

Post by SF Band dad »

Instant family: Former Sumter High football coach goes from no kids to 3 under 3

With no intention of becoming a father, a former Sumter High School football coach became one in the blink of an eye, and he became a father of not one, but three children in less than two years.

Drew Marlowe and his wife, Sarah Kathryn, have been married for seven years and are now the parents of three children under 3 years old, with only one being their biological child.

< Excerpt - Full article is at the headline link >

Coach Marlowe is the new head coach at South Florence high school.

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