some are saying the increase 8n testing is partially to well as opening up.spectator wrote: ↑Thu Jul 02, 2020 1:29 pmthe medical experts are screaming.............IT IS NOT THE INCREASE IN TESTING CREATING THESE RESULTS..........THE DISEASE IS SPREADING LIKE WILD FIRE.............listen to them...........Fortfor5 wrote: ↑Wed Jul 01, 2020 7:52 pmOver a 500k tests a day vs 135k a day 2 months ago .actually did 600plus some days.the counts are going to go up.
Hospitalized patients are the number to watch not positive cases.
Estimated that up to 10 x that actually have the virus.
Heard immunity is coming quickly.we meed 180 million or so positives to achieve this.
Not a big deal the media hyperbole will continue until a better story arrives .we saw that the protests knocked covid 19 off the front story.
Common sense would show that .
Anyone with a 9th grade education could figure that out.
It aint rocket science .its common math and scientific theory.
If i test 100 at 10% i get 10.if i test 200 oh my gosh i get 20.
So you are trying to say more testing will not raise numbers.
Are you crazy.
It does have a effect.smh
The only thing thats on fire is bruce Springsteen and my damn grill.