OK now for a perplexing question

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Re: OK now for a perplexing question

Post by 96fanatic »

I tell them we have the greatest country in the world.
I would never knell when our national anthem is played.
They have to make their own decision on this.

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Re: OK now for a perplexing question

Post by 1 CAT FAN »

Without those that stood tall with the flag who fought and died for the freedoms we all enjoy, this may not be a country were all men are equal.
There will be a day when all will bow on their knees, some will tremble in fear, while others do it gladly. All will stand for their actions to be redeemed or cast away.
God bless the USA.
Dillon Wildcats 08’ 09’ 12’ 13’ 14’ 15’ 17’ State Champions

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Re: OK now for a perplexing question

Post by Penguin »

Bash away. But here is my opinion about this. Someone standing up FOR the flag, while respectful and courteous, does not by any definition, make them any more patriotic than those who choose to stand up AGAINST the flag. In fact, it is my opinion that those willing to risk ridicule while standing up for what they believe to be right, are more patriotic than those who choose to go along in fear of making waves.

This country was founded on that very principle. It is written into the Constitution. Any person has the right to speak up in regress of his government when they believe it to be wrong. Without this principle, women would not be able to vote, blacks would still be only 3/5ths of a person. I can go on, but what's the use?

I know some of you personally, and I know that you served in our armed services. You gave part of your life for your country, as did my father and my brother. But your oath to get into the military clearly states that your first obligation is to protect the US Constitution. Not the President. Not the flag. And that Constitution gives us all the right to peacefully protest against our government. My father and my brother were quick to point this out.

I am not trying to be argumentative, even though you may think so. I am only trying to help some of you see why it is not only perfectly OK, it is actually a preferred way to express any discontent that a person may have with their government. Personally, I have always stood and removed my hat for the Anthem. But that does not mean that I am right and others are wrong. Given the disturbing videos of recent, I have to admit that Colin Kaepernick was 100% correct in his concerns, perfectly peaceful in his regress, and crucified by those unwilling to watch what he was seeing.

Our flag will always be our flag. That does not mean that it will always represent what is right. And when things are wrong, it is our duty, MY duty, to stand up and say "Not so fast". But in a respectful and peaceful way.
The "Godfather" didn't whine like The "Slobfather" is doing, when he got INDICTED!!!!!

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Re: OK now for a perplexing question

Post by spectator »

My advice on the kneeling during the national anthem is DO NOT sell out to patriotism and nationalism until you research and completely understand the history of the national anthem……..so many americans have been sold, and believe, that the anthem was a fight song of sorts during the revolutionary war with the british……it is what we rallied around to fight and win our freedom from england...….that the anthem has been a part of America since the day America was born……….that is not only wrong, it’s over 100 years wrong………..first, the star spangled banner was not written until about 40 years AFTER the revolutionary war……it was written during the war of 1812...…..it sat on a shelf in some closet for about 120 years and nobody even knew that it existed……in fact, Hail Columbia was our national song, not the star spangled banner.....……in 1931 america was deep into the depression that was caused by corruption in our congress, senate and banking industry……..people were starving on the streets and it was a real possibility that America could explode into chaos……..so, hoover with his crooked arse rolled up this song in the flag and stuck it up america’s arses in an attempt to increase devotion to America and quell the revolt in America that was forming due to his policies…….. so, the truth is the national anthem was a scam to cover up a scam from day 1……to me it is just another sickening reminder of how easy it is to screw over americans and they love you for it,……it has ZERO to do with the military, in fact, it became our anthem in 1931, dead in the middle of a 23 year tiume of peace between WW1 and WW2.....…..it means nothing to me and in my opinion it should be scrapped and replaced with a new anthem that is not introduced to screw americans, as this one was……….if this angers anyone, truth angers them, because this is 100% true........

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Re: OK now for a perplexing question

Post by spectator »

colin kapernick was accused of and attacked for spitting in the faces of all the brave men who are serving in our military fighting for our freedom........one of these men is my son-in-law…….he has served 2 tours in aghanistan….the real fact is if he is going to spit in the faces of men who fought for our freedom, he must go way back to sept. 2, 1945, the last day of ww2…….not one soldier has fought for our freedom in the 4 wars ( 5 if you include desert storm as a war ) since that day……and there is nothing to discuss………why???............that is simple………the Korean war had ZERO to do with American freedom and it ended in a truce…..we did not win the Korean war……….vietnam was a criminal war fought for profit for the war machine driven by the patriotism of ww2 soldiers and their sons.......……..we certainly didn’t win it, in fact we were run off of the roof of our embassy in Saigon…..we lost the nam war and the communist won……….BUT, americans did not lose an ounce of freedom and haven’t lost any freedoms due to the losing of the nam war……….iraq and afghanistan are still going on, we haven’t won those wars but we also haven’t lost any freedoms…….there is nothing to debate…..no soldier has fought for our freedom since ww2…….they have fought for profits for the war machine…..and, the Zionists government of Israel has gotten filthy rich off of the soldiers who have fought in wars since ww2, even though not one Israeli soldier has shed blood with an American soldier on any battlefield………EVER……….not one………let’s stop being scammed by all these lies and fake nationalism…….that is what a real patriot does…….

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Re: OK now for a perplexing question

Post by Onion Rings »

what's your reaction to people who sit during the anthem, as I have seen fans do at high school football games? Is that showing bravery?

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Re: OK now for a perplexing question

Post by Rebel-Fan-74 »

Stop playing the National Anthem at all sporting events. Why do we continue to play it?

And before you start bashing me, I am a vet, retired Navy, spent 5 years with the Jarheads, I mean Marines...
I swore an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies and that oath doesn't have an expiration date attached. I'm old, but if called upon, I'd answer again and do what I could to help. If I was filling a billet in a warehouse or repair facility, that would free up a younger sailor for a more demanding billet. While this country has it flaws, most of them within a twenty mile radius of the Capitol Building in DC, I still think it is the best thing going or I would leave.

Now back to my opening statement: Don't play it, no one can use it as a "rally point" either for or against. We have played it so much and so often, no one thinks anything of it any more.... except maybe on special holidays. Don't play anything except the school songs (pep song and alma mater) and then play the game.

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Re: OK now for a perplexing question

Post by spectator »

Rebel-Fan-74 wrote:
Tue Jul 07, 2020 3:27 pm
Stop playing the National Anthem at all sporting events. Why do we continue to play it?

And before you start bashing me, I am a vet, retired Navy, spent 5 years with the Jarheads, I mean Marines...
I swore an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies and that oath doesn't have an expiration date attached. I'm old, but if called upon, I'd answer again and do what I could to help. If I was filling a billet in a warehouse or repair facility, that would free up a younger sailor for a more demanding billet. While this country has it flaws, most of them within a twenty mile radius of the Capitol Building in DC, I still think it is the best thing going or I would leave.

Now back to my opening statement: Don't play it, no one can use it as a "rally point" either for or against. We have played it so much and so often, no one thinks anything of it any more.... except maybe on special holidays. Don't play anything except the school songs (pep song and alma mater) and then play the game.
in my opinion.............spot on............

Onion Rings
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Re: OK now for a perplexing question

Post by Onion Rings »

agree with don't play it

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Re: OK now for a perplexing question

Post by cavaliereagle »

Penguin wrote:
Mon Jul 06, 2020 7:41 pm
Bash away. But here is my opinion about this. Someone standing up FOR the flag, while respectful and courteous, does not by any definition, make them any more patriotic than those who choose to stand up AGAINST the flag. In fact, it is my opinion that those willing to risk ridicule while standing up for what they believe to be right, are more patriotic than those who choose to go along in fear of making waves.

This country was founded on that very principle. It is written into the Constitution. Any person has the right to speak up in regress of his government when they believe it to be wrong. Without this principle, women would not be able to vote, blacks would still be only 3/5ths of a person. I can go on, but what's the use?

I know some of you personally, and I know that you served in our armed services. You gave part of your life for your country, as did my father and my brother. But your oath to get into the military clearly states that your first obligation is to protect the US Constitution. Not the President. Not the flag. And that Constitution gives us all the right to peacefully protest against our government. My father and my brother were quick to point this out.

I am not trying to be argumentative, even though you may think so. I am only trying to help some of you see why it is not only perfectly OK, it is actually a preferred way to express any discontent that a person may have with their government. Personally, I have always stood and removed my hat for the Anthem. But that does not mean that I am right and others are wrong. Given the disturbing videos of recent, I have to admit that Colin Kaepernick was 100% correct in his concerns, perfectly peaceful in his regress, and crucified by those unwilling to watch what he was seeing.

Our flag will always be our flag. That does not mean that it will always represent what is right. And when things are wrong, it is our duty, MY duty, to stand up and say "Not so fast". But in a respectful and peaceful way.
Very well stated sir! I don't always like the opinions you have. However, I do, the majority of the time, respect them. They are often thought provoking. I always like that! It helps you understand the thought pattern of the other side, you might say.

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