Some playoff brackets have been posted at the SCHSL site

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Byrnes Rebels
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Re: Some playoff brackets have been posted at the SCHSL site

Post by Rebel-Fan-74 »

I know, let someone compare the mascots...

A bear is tougher than green wave...

No one wants to mess with a hurricane, so they are in.

That's how Pam used to pick her Women's Bracket for March Madness when she didn't know the teams.

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Re: Some playoff brackets have been posted at the SCHSL site

Post by Penguin »

I can't see a fair and equitable way to do this given a 7 game season and uneven number of Region games, teams, and even upstate vs. lower state. I am just going to have to agree with Onion Rings and feel sure that no matter what happens, somebody is going to get the shaft. They may have to make up the rules after the season starts so that the "chosen" one gets in and the "stepchild" gets left out. I can already see the law firms around the state lining up for this one.
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Re: Some playoff brackets have been posted at the SCHSL site

Post by Rebel-Fan-74 »

I'll work on it tomorrow and send Jerome what I come up with....

You know he and I are really tight!

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Re: Some playoff brackets have been posted at the SCHSL site

Post by EHSMeanGreen »

4A bracket has been added.
:arrow: viewtopic.php?p=41618#p41618

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Re: Some playoff brackets have been posted at the SCHSL site

Post by wave 80 »

They could be back to the flip of the coins again.

Go Wave.

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Re: Some playoff brackets have been posted at the SCHSL site

Post by Penguin »

So, 8 out of 18 teams from South South Carolina make the playoffs, but only 8 out of 21 teams from up north will make it. Didn't see how those 2 at-large teams will be determined either. The bracket is perfectly fine, but filling it may be another story. Leave to the SCHSL to take something simple and make it totally confusing and utterly subjective. Those 2 at-large selections will most likely be determined by methods that are not equal across the board.
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Re: Some playoff brackets have been posted at the SCHSL site

Post by Rebel-Fan-74 »

It seems that the most likely way would be:

Two from Region 5
Three from Region 6
Three from Region 7

The most fair way: Maybe, maybe not....

For those that think winning your REGION is everything, then this way makes them happiest. Win your REGION GAMES and you get in the playoffs. Well, whomever has the most region wins gets in.

For those that think winning your REGION may NOT be everything, then they will not necessarily agree with this method.

Some folks think that only the REGION CHAMPION should get in the playoffs, period. Others think that is not a true and fair way of determining the State Champion because all regions are not equal and why would you "limit the playoffs to just 8 teams?" It's like the NCAA Football playoffs, should it be Four? Six? Eight? Twelve? We all have our own ideas.... For the Record, I kink of like the 6 team idea, #1 and #2 get a bye, 3&6 and 4&5 play in week one and then match the lower remaining seed with #1 and the other with #2. I don't know if it is a "better system" but we get two more games and that is good with me, extra games.

For example:
You choose the team that you think will be the Region Champion from each Region 1 and Region 4.

Now, it is week one of the playoffs and your choice will host either Dorman or Gaffney. Who would you expect to win, the Region Champions or the Region Runner Ups?

Region 1.............................................Region 4
TL Hanna..........................................Northwestern
Woodmont........................................Rock HIll
Mauldin.............................................Ridge View
JL Mann............................................Spring Valley

Region 2
James F Byrnes wins Region 2
Dorman runner up

Region 3
Clover wins Region 3
Gaffney runner up

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Re: Some playoff brackets have been posted at the SCHSL site

Post by Rebel-Fan-74 »

Other possible ways to determine the AT LARGE....

A points system similar to the system they used before based on beating a team with a winning record being worth more than a team with a losing record, only counting teams in AAAA? or counting all teams?
Downsides to this one: What if they don't play the same number of teams, schedules are already set and now you introduce a system with different values that could hurt some teams and help some teams. Too late to set up a fair system.
  • …………………………….....…………… …… WIN …… LOSS
    5A Team With A Winning Record …… 5.00 …… 3.50
    5A Team W/non-Winning Record …… 4.00 …… 2.50

    4A Team With A Winning Record …… 4.00 …… 2.50
    4A Team W/non-Winning Record …… 3.00 …… 1.50

    3A Team With A Winning Record …… 3.00 …… 1.50
    3A Team W/non-Winning Record …… 2.00 …… 0.50

    2A Team With A Winning Record …… 2.00 …… 0.50
    2A Team W/non-Winning Record …… 1.00 …… -0.50

    1A Team With A Winning Record …… 1.00 …… -0.50
    1A Team W/non-Winning Record …… 0.00 …… -1.50
Pure record: Unlike REGION record, count total record.
Downside to this one: Same as above, different number of games so that extra game gets some teams a bonus.

Committee: Form a Committee comprised of AAAA Coaches and or AD to select the At Large Teams.
Downside to this one: Does a Committee ever work?

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Re: Some playoff brackets have been posted at the SCHSL site

Post by racincowboy02 »

You are making some good points 74 now lets see which one you prefer. I know that it will be a hard choice but if you were the chairman of the HSL which would you choose. You gotta explain the region comment in english lol i didn't catch what you meant

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Re: Some playoff brackets have been posted at the SCHSL site

Post by Rebel-Fan-74 »

racincowboy02 wrote:
Tue Sep 22, 2020 2:18 pm
You are making some good points 74 now lets see which one you prefer. I know that it will be a hard choice but if you were the chairman of the HSL which would you choose. You gotta explain the region comment in english lol i didn't catch what you meant
I went back and edited my post. Does that answer your questions? As for me, I think with the way this season has gone, the only really fair way is the 2/3/3 idea I mentioned first. Give the two larger Regions 3 automatic entries.

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