I agree with him and I also add that EHSMeanGreen, our Owner/CEO/COO/HPIC, goes above and beyond to help keep it that way. I fully believe that 99.999999% of the posters on this site have no idea just what he does to keep this thing online and functioning properly. He's also invested his own funds to that effort as well. HPIC - Head Poster In Charge
Also, SFBandDad who was the founder and former owner helps keep things going as well.
Other's provide assistance behind the scenes with supporting actions, admin help, and other work. Without all of these folks, we'd all be on Facebook looking for each other and finding information on High School football, and other sports.
HOWEVER: Can we improve? Yes. And we would love to see some input from you, the users, on ways we can make it better.... spay or neuter SLICKER is always the #1 idea and that is not something we can do, nor do we want to get anywhere near that operation.
But we are always looking for other ideas. Some of those ideas would have to be vetted with the current software, ??? will it work with this software ?? and some would have to be evaluated for cost $$$ and some for both of those reasons.
Some ideas deal with the software and some with the content..

I'm sure you have ideas as well, what are they?