Gray Collegiate is a disgrace to SC high school football!
To say nothing about the fact their very existence is illegal and their crooked recruiting tactics are robbing hometown teams of THEIR players (QB and WR both were at B-L last year for starters), Gray Collegiate, their players, coaches, and fans are the worst collective group I have EVER seen!
I was at the game last night and sat on the visitor's side because it was the only side I could get a ticket on, but I was openly pulling for Abbeville. Gray plays dirty, they are vulgar, and their players have a sense of entitlement about them that is sickening. They made zero attempt to hide their cheap shots on Abbeville players, or their incessant bickering and whining to the refs that resulted in several more unsportsmanlike penalties. And it's easy to see why their players are the way they are because the fans, namely parents, egged it on and were equally as vile. I was stunned by some of the things I head from their fans so I started giving it back to them. My favorite exchange between myself and a Gray fan last night went like this...
Gray fan: "200 d**n yards in penalties! You stupid f****ng refs came here just to screw us! That's ok, we undefeated!"
Me: "Don't worry, you won't be in another four minutes!"
It was 28-10 Abbeville late in the fourth quarter at the time. And it was like that ALL NIGHT. Gray is a disgrace. They have no place with us in the SCHSL and they are not, nor will they ever be, welcome!
That said, I remembered why I have such respect for Abbeville. Coach Nickles is not only the real deal, but his players played hard, hit hard, and even as their opponent was taking cheap shot after cheap shot and trying to bait them into a response, the Abbeville players represented themselves, their school, and their town with class and decorum. I hope they win #11 against Marion!
Gray Collegiate, you should be ashamed of yourselves.