Gray Collegiate vs Abbeville discussion

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Gray Collegiate vs Abbeville discussion

Post by Wolverine_Legend »

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Gray Collegiate is a disgrace to SC high school football!
To say nothing about the fact their very existence is illegal and their crooked recruiting tactics are robbing hometown teams of THEIR players (QB and WR both were at B-L last year for starters), Gray Collegiate, their players, coaches, and fans are the worst collective group I have EVER seen!

I was at the game last night and sat on the visitor's side because it was the only side I could get a ticket on, but I was openly pulling for Abbeville. Gray plays dirty, they are vulgar, and their players have a sense of entitlement about them that is sickening. They made zero attempt to hide their cheap shots on Abbeville players, or their incessant bickering and whining to the refs that resulted in several more unsportsmanlike penalties. And it's easy to see why their players are the way they are because the fans, namely parents, egged it on and were equally as vile. I was stunned by some of the things I head from their fans so I started giving it back to them. My favorite exchange between myself and a Gray fan last night went like this...

Gray fan: "200 d**n yards in penalties! You stupid f****ng refs came here just to screw us! That's ok, we undefeated!"
Me: "Don't worry, you won't be in another four minutes!"

It was 28-10 Abbeville late in the fourth quarter at the time. And it was like that ALL NIGHT. Gray is a disgrace. They have no place with us in the SCHSL and they are not, nor will they ever be, welcome!

That said, I remembered why I have such respect for Abbeville. Coach Nickles is not only the real deal, but his players played hard, hit hard, and even as their opponent was taking cheap shot after cheap shot and trying to bait them into a response, the Abbeville players represented themselves, their school, and their town with class and decorum. I hope they win #11 against Marion!

Gray Collegiate, you should be ashamed of yourselves. :evil:
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Abbeville Panthers
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Re: Gray Collegiate is a disgrace to SC high school football!

Post by Abbevillemike »

I was surprised and disappointed in how Gray acted last night.

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Re: Gray Collegiate is a disgrace to SC high school football!

Post by 1 CAT FAN »

Any school with the name collegiate should not be allowed to play public high school athletics.

1. belonging or relating to a college or its students.
2. (of a university) composed of different colleges.

Abbeville defeated a college?

Marion has no chance.
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Re: Gray Collegiate is a disgrace to SC high school football!

Post by Newcatntown »

C’mon MAN.....Legend, tell us how you REALLY feel!!!🤣

Seriously....way to stand up for what I agree with you is right.

Life isnt fair yall....and neither is letting a high school / college that recruits , compete at same level. Yall go make your own trophy and league!!🤮

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Re: Gray Collegiate is a disgrace to SC high school football!

Post by Atown97 »

They still won't understand but I personally appreciate the example of how not to act as a player, or kids all girls I will add...say "they playing so dirty they don't know how to win"....we teach ATown Pride First.... trash talk was ridiculous with saying " the Rich kids was gonna show the poor kids how to win"...bulletin board material all week... Thanks Gray

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Re: Gray Collegiate is a disgrace to SC high school football!

Post by bigdog2003 »

Legend, you know my feels on trash talkers, you were at the Newberry vs Clinton game years ago when that guy was trying to start fights. At least he did until I challenged him, he changed his mind really fast.

I can't stand any of the collegiate teams. I hate that next year we have to travel to whatever rec complex Gray plays at. Having facilities should be the first step to having a team. Maybe i should start a charter school, I know a guy with an unused pasture I can play games in.

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Re: Gray Collegiate is a disgrace to SC high school football!

Post by Deputy »

Was thrilled to see Abbeville put the hammer on them. All of these little hopeful IMGs that are popping up. Oceanside in the coast. Legion in Rock Hill. And rumor has it that plans are being made for similar versions in Spartanburg and Greenville counties. And that's fine if that is what you want to do. But they, and all of the little private schools that basically are open recruiters out to be put in their own classification and not allowed to compete with the regular public schools.

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Re: Gray Collegiate is a disgrace to SC high school football!

Post by Fortfor5 »

Deputy wrote:
Sun Nov 29, 2020 11:06 am
Was thrilled to see Abbeville put the hammer on them. All of these little hopeful IMGs that are popping up. Oceanside in the coast. Legion in Rock Hill. And rumor has it that plans are being made for similar versions in Spartanburg and Greenville counties. And that's fine if that is what you want to do. But they, and all of the little private schools that basically are open recruiters out to be put in their own classification and not allowed to compete with the regular public schools.
Oceanside is a public charter are the others aswell?not sure of difference but i believe you still have to live in charleston county.

Football Maniac
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Re: Gray Collegiate is a disgrace to SC high school football!

Post by Football Maniac »

Wasn’t the motion to have the schools only pull from a certain area dismissed in court? If these type of charter schools begin to open in more counties, the SCHSL is going to need to step in and revisit this again. I know that Gray has already started an 8th grade academy and will be adding 7th grade to it. They will start pulling from the middle schools also.

Fort Dorchester Patriots
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Re: Gray Collegiate is a disgrace to SC high school football!

Post by Fortfor5 »

HuskiesCoach wrote:
Sun Nov 29, 2020 6:01 pm
Wasn’t the motion to have the schools only pull from a certain area dismissed in court? If these type of charter schools begin to open in more counties, the SCHSL is going to need to step in and revisit this again. I know that Gray has already started an 8th grade academy and will be adding 7th grade to it. They will start pulling from the middle schools also.
I do not know .i thought that was how it sas set up at onetime .but reading the school website it looks wide open.
None of your good programs will lose much.but stall wando ect .will probably loose thier best .i have heard wado already has been raided .
We know kids that play baseball over there .but no football players.

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