HAHA Dude you hilarious!! This was actually funnyCITYSLICKER wrote: ↑Fri Dec 04, 2020 9:34 amFREECAT_zps97db8962.jpgnothing like wisdom from a cathead loser to give you a sign

HAHA Dude you hilarious!! This was actually funnyCITYSLICKER wrote: ↑Fri Dec 04, 2020 9:34 amFREECAT_zps97db8962.jpgnothing like wisdom from a cathead loser to give you a sign
Yep Blackbart left in 2017 when we won the 3A state championship 55-27. He chose the PUNK route instead of owning up to his argument. He said we would never win a title in 3A or higher. WE HAVEN"T HEARD FROM HIM SINCE.CITYSLICKER wrote: ↑Fri Dec 04, 2020 10:26 amNOBODY CALLED OUT YOUR NASTY AZZ OUT, GO PLAY IN THE STREET, LOSER, ITS A GOOD THING BLACK BART LEFT THE BLDG