Colbyc36 wrote: ↑Tue Mar 30, 2021 5:19 am
Imma agree with you Fort. I would fire my own SON if he wasn't getting it done. Tough love.
And I expect my Dad would have done the same.
The evil grin aside, I knew you were trolling right off the bat. No one on this site would openly admit that they'd keep a family member on board if they had become a liability to the team. Then again, there's a saying which I cannot now find online so I'm sure to mangle it but it's something like...
"People act differently than they speak and speak differently than they act."
To paraphrase another thought...
What you say you believe and how you act should map onto each other in a perfect overlap if you are being perfectly true to yourself. Often what we say we believe does a poor job of mapping onto our actual behavior. Directed outwardly, I believe the extreme example of this might be termed "hypocrisy".
To wit, I imagine John McKissik would have probably professed that a relative of his shouldn't have a job that he proves himself unqualified for before that notion had to be put to the test. But I don't know enough about Summerville's story to speak too much on that.
It occurs to me now that this applies across the entire spectrum. If you say, for instance, that you are a complete nihilist and believe in anarchy and behave as if life has no meaning and there are (damn you Grammarly!! I really thought it was "is" and not "are") no good or evil and your actions produce maximum anarchy and chaos all around you then you are being true to yourself.
I believe it was Fyodor Dostoevsky who said something to the effect of, "The line between good and evil runs straight through the human heart of all men and that line reaches all the way to Hell on the bottom end and all the way to Heaven at the top."
Anyone who has read a few history books can surmise that we see just about what the limits are on how much evil a man can do. What we have far fewer examples of is what is the absolute limit of how good can someone be and how much good can one man do. Have we even seen the upper limit of the good that can be achieved? It's easy to look around and see how far down into Hell that line through mans heart can take him. Do we know how high any of us could go?
Martin Luther King Jr.
All but one of those men were murdered.
Btw, does anyone on the board use the Grammarly plug-in? It's free and has my stamp of approval.
“Win as if you were used to it, lose as if you enjoyed it for a change.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson