I hope everyone is doing well and looking forward to a normal 2021 football season. It certainly has been a wild ride over the past 16 months and I know everyone wants our normal lives back.
I have not been around much lately with work and family commitments.
My company provides software and billing and compliance services to EMS and Ambulance services so you can imagine how busy we have been. I never really stopped traveling for the job and spent over 150 in hotels in 2020. This year has been our busiest ever and has kept me out of town almost every week.
Our daughter graduated from Byrnes in 2020. We spent a great deal of time in Pre Covid touring colleges. The Bragging Dad was happy to see her accepted to Duke, Wofford, Columbia U in NYC, Cornell, Mercer, Baylor, Clemson, Alabama, and Chapel Hill among many others. She applied to 16 schools, was accepted to all, and was offered over $1.8 million in scholarships. (1500 SAT, 35 ACT, and a 5.27 GPA along with all-state orchestra, state champ with the Rebel Regiment, interning for the SC State senate and Semi-Finalist at Miss South Carolina helps) end brag.
She chose the Honors College at USC and is Pre Med on a fast track program. She has done amazing and loves Carolina and is there on a full scholarship. The only thing I paid for was sorority dues last year.
As for the sc football history site, I have some exciting news to share. I am working with someone and we have completely redone how the site will work and operate. I think you guys will love it. The site is 10X faster, easier to navigate, and easier to find information. I hope to announce the new site in the next couple of weeks. I hope everyone likes it and finds the new place much more user-friendly and easier to access information.
After 11 years of having a kid at Byrnes, all three are out and Ginger and I are somewhat empty nesters. My Dad and I still attend HS games but have pretty much become free agents. Dorman is no longer my school and I am not happy with a few people down there. With our kids out of Byrnes, we really don't have the desire to be there every week. We still have season tix at both but I think we are going to start looking for the best game each week or at least the best BBQ.
I hope everyone is doing well and looking forward to the 2021 season. Only 4 more Friday nights until jamborees and 6 until the season starts. Take Care and God Bless.....hope to see everyone on the sidelines this fall.
Rumors of my Demise are PreMature
- SC HS Football Historian
- Posts: 256
- Joined: Mon Sep 02, 2013 10:56 pm
- Berkeley Stags-680 games and counting
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- Joined: Tue Jan 29, 2013 9:19 pm
Re: Rumors of my Demise are PreMature