I can't speak for "the Byrnes faithful" but I hear the grumbles, the scuttlebutt (Navy word for gossip) from some folks, but this type of attitude surfaces every time you lose to a team that you "SHOULD HAVE BEATEN" but it is worse when there is a 64-62 loss. The fact that the offense scored all those points (how many teams score 62 and lose?) has made it even worse.
My personal opinion is that "the Byrnes faithful" is on the fence and that the remaining games will go a long way to determine which direction they go. Should they end up not making the playoffs, then the mob mentality will set in and I think it will be the typical statements:
With all this talent, how can we miss the playoffs?
.........He didn't have his team ready to play!
He's lost control of the team!
........................................We are moving in the wrong direction!
He's over his head in this Region!
..................................It's time for a change!
But, is there "all this talent" today? With COVID and all those injuries, ready to play is not relevant, not even going to acknowledge the control because he has control in the unquestioned column for me, and for the last three, nothing but conjecture. For example, is change always good? I'll answer this one myself....

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I'm thinking about entering the transfer portal!
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