Greenwood Jamboree

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Re: Greenwood Jamboree

Post by EmeraldCityEagle98 »

SCPrepTalk wrote:
Sat Aug 13, 2022 1:31 pm
Very embarrassing. Even though Greenwood will get the proverbial black eye in this, there were kids from others schools involved as well so don't hey it twisted. Make no mistake, extremely embarrassing for the community.

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Re: Greenwood Jamboree

Post by northside knight »

Mike Hudson is a good man and excellent AD. Hate that he's having to deal with mess like this :roll: Sucks for all the Greenwood kids that behave. Probably won't even be able to run on the field with the team when they come through the banner like they have for the past 10-15 years. Brutal :?

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Re: Greenwood Jamboree

Post by greenjewel »

EmeraldCityEagle98 wrote:
Sat Aug 13, 2022 6:09 pm
SCPrepTalk wrote:
Sat Aug 13, 2022 1:31 pm
Very embarrassing. Even though Greenwood will get the proverbial black eye in this, there were kids from others schools involved as well so don't hey it twisted. Make no mistake, extremely embarrassing for the community.
Bad kids are everywhere but our sheriff's dept. is who shamed us. If they can't stop school children from fighting what can they do?

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Re: Greenwood Jamboree

Post by SF Band dad »


F1S stricter policy cut student fighting by 64%
CHRIS DAY | The Morning News | | Jul 5, 2022

FLORENCE, S.C. — Florence 1 Schools’ stricter policies about threatening or hitting teachers and fighting among students reduced fighting within the district by nearly 64% in the final 114 days of the 2021-22 school year.

The Florence 1 School Board of Trustees approved a new student code of conduct in December.

In the first 66 days of the 2021-22 school year, there were 229 fighting incidents at the district’s four middle schools and three high schools. The number of fights declined to 83 in the final 114 days of the school year – a 63.8% decrease, according to statistics provided by the school districts.

The district, [Superintendent] O’Malley said, knew if it told students fighting wasn’t going to be tolerated, the students would respond, and they did. “Our kids always rise to the occasion, and, as you can see, they did again,” he said. “They just stopped fighting and that’s what we wanted.” Students want to have rules and boundaries, he said. “They want order. They want structure despite of what anyone says,” he said.

< Excerpts - Full article is at the headline link >

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Re: Greenwood Jamboree

Post by Blister »

Certain schools, fan bases, are always known trouble spots. And you can put a stop to trouble before it starts if prepared to do so. Apparently the authorities in Greenwood ignored that fact. Preventative measures most always pay off, but am sure they are afraid to offend anybody in today's PC world.

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Re: Greenwood Jamboree

Post by RamFan »

Was this fight with students amongst students or those no longer in school

Got a text from friend down there Saturday am, said it got really ugly

He was told gun shots but said he never heard anything like that

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Re: Greenwood Jamboree

Post by DeCav »

How did the police manage to safely evacuate several thousand people when it couldn't successfully evacuate a handful of trouble makers?

Talk about doing things the hard way.

Maybe next time everyone sneaks back in after the rowdy people leave?

Police brutality is easier to take if the police have camera footage that tells shows why the brutality escalated. The cops don't seem to be taking full advantage of these body cams in the same way civilians are exploiting their camera phones.

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Re: Greenwood Jamboree

Post by 96fanatic »

DeCav wrote:
Sun Aug 14, 2022 3:32 pm
How did the police manage to safely evacuate several thousand people when it couldn't successfully evacuate a handful of trouble makers?

Talk about doing things the hard way.

Maybe next time everyone sneaks back in after the rowdy people leave?

Police brutality is easier to take if the police have camera footage that tells shows why the brutality escalated. The cops don't seem to be taking full advantage of these body cams in the same way civilians are exploiting their camera phones.

They could have stopped it at 8 pm when trouble first started.
they waited till it got out of hand at a little after 9 pm.

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