Congratulations to the Conway Tigers

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Congratulations to the Conway Tigers

Post by Mbfootballfan »

Well deserved win! Enjoy

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Re: Congratulations to the Conway Tigers


them tiggers aint never gonna get a new coach

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Re: Congratulations to the Conway Tigers

Post by SF Band dad »

Sat Aug 27, 2022 10:18 pm
them tiggers aint never gonna get a new coach
That's what I was thinking.

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Re: Congratulations to the Conway Tigers

Post by SlickJrisBack »

Who missed me

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Re: Congratulations to the Conway Tigers

Post by Tiger02DE »

I was thinking the same thing. Myrtle Beach is obviously way down this year, so not sure this is a great win. If Conway wins three games which they could with Aynor, Loris, Socastee and St James left on the schedule 100% there won’t be a coaching change. I think NMB is way down too. 3 wins is the norm these days in Conway and that’s enough to keep coach there. Don’t get your hopes up Conway fans.

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Re: Congratulations to the Conway Tigers

Post by Tigerific »

I think I speak for all Conway fans and supporters when I say that we want the best for our school and community whoever the head football coach is. History shows that Conway doesn’t have a losing season very often. In fact it’s actually pretty rare. We have 4 losing seasons in a row and still feel like this is false gold and will end up with the 5th in a row. I could be wrong but I look at the whole picture and many do not.

Conway is so underachieving right now and it’s frustrating to say the least. We could be accomplishing so much more. Had this team been developed and coached properly it could be really dangerous. We have possibly the best group of WRs we’ve ever had at one time. A big bruising RB and a tremendous dual threat QB that can win games with his arm and legs. We as adults and fans are missing out on entertainment but the main thing is our kids are missing out on opportunities to play high school football at a high level. Most who will never play again after graduation. Some will miss out on playing on Saturdays because they didn’t get their talents developed well enough.

I want to play and compete with the best like we have in the past. No offense to our county friends but I don’t want to play Aynor and Loris looking for easier wins. I don’t know of anyone who didn’t support CT from the beginning even if they were skeptical like I was. It’s a tough situation because Coach Terry has been very well loved and respected in the city of Conway since his playing days. He’s a Conway legend and that makes things that much harder. I would love for him to turn it around but I have reason to believe it’s not going to happen at this point.

Moving forward it would thrill me for the success to continue this year. I hope it does. I really and truly do. I would never wish failure on our kids and my school! If I feel like the season ends up being a success then I’ll be happy to eat my words and go back to give it another chance. Believe me I miss it terribly. If so this off-season he’s going to need to do everything he can to upgrade wherever possible and he’s got to get more involved with JV and b team programs to put more emphasis on winning there. We are way behind other schools there. He needs a big upgrade in strength and conditioning. I know this is a lengthy post but I wanted to clear the air about how I feel and most everyone else asking for changes. I hope I did and to end it’s always a great day when we beat the Seahawks and the bell 🔔 is truly back home where it belongs.

Conway Tigers
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Re: Congratulations to the Conway Tigers

Post by Tiger02DE »

I’m not trying to be negative, but until we consistently beat teams like St. James, Socastee and NMB the teams Conway is supposed to beat they aren’t back. I agree CT is well respected and was a great player and I was hoping he would have success and still do. It just seems to me just because we beat a Myrtle Beach team that may not even make the playoffs because of their tough region is not a turning point for this Conway team. Good points on the JV and B teams. If you can’t develop the whole system, the Varsity will always be doomed more than likely. Can you imagine Conway playing West Florence and South Florence? They aren’t even close to that level. We all saw the Hartsville game.

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Re: Congratulations to the Conway Tigers

Post by Tigerific »

I agree with everything you said. I’m not trying to sugarcoat the situation. I just thought I’d shed some light on things to people outside of Conway that might think all we want to do is fire the coach. We all want success and it’s not happening. This is probably the weakest MB team in 20 years and in all honesty without red zone turnovers and penalties MB would have won and possibly by 2 TDs. Nothing has changed in my mind about the situation. I stated that this will probably be the 5th losing season in a row and I stand by that. What I was trying to get across was nobody wanted CT to fail. None of us wish for losses on our school but the bottom line is if he doesn’t win 8 games with this team it’s a failure and we need change. If they continue to improve and win, I’ll admit I’m wrong but until then I think we need a fresh new start and I’ve said 5 years ago when CT was hired. We need a top flight coaching staff with no ties to the community. Somebody that can pull the community together as one. The sky is the limit here and I want so bad for us to reach our full potential and hold up another trophy besides the bell.

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Re: Congratulations to the Conway Tigers

Post by Ddub14 »

It sounds like y’all caught MB at the right time. They are clearly down . People always say on here scrimmages and the like don’t matter. But MB isn’t supposed to lose to Loris in any situation. Take the win and try to build off it.

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Re: Congratulations to the Conway Tigers

Post by Mbfootballfan »

The Seahawks are down this year I saw that in the first scrimmage game against Loris. Our QB Trey Dunn didn’t play against Camden and he looks like he’s going to be very good for our offense. Our biggest problem that I see is defense. The defensive line is the weakest I’ve seen in years. Coaching can fix a lot of things but I don’t see it being able to fix that. There is no beef on the defensive line to stop a physical rushing attack. Including a mobile QB like Conway has. Unless the coaches can crap a few defensive linemen out of thin air.

As for Conway my opinion on them is very high. Some really big players. Players I wish we had. They look the part but something’s not right. They had at least 12 players or more lay down on the field. Every time we got into a fast offensive groove one of the Conway players would fall down for an official’s time out. Hurt? Maybe but that’s a conditioning problem I’d say or just trying to give their D a good 5 min break who knows. They look like a good football team they just don’t play every down like a good football team.

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