This week the Lions will host Riverside. We haven't played Riverside since 2007 in the playoffs and it was a close win. Riverside had a good team that year, since then they have been bad. They used to have the misfortune of being in the same region as Dorman, Byrnes and Spartanburg. Last year they started 6-0 they finished the season 1-4 after being pummeled in region play. So far this season Riverside is 1-4 with a win over TR in week 0 then lost to Mann, Woodmont, and Christ Church all by 1 score. Last Friday was a big loss to a very good Spartanburg team. The offense doesn't look terrible on film, the skill players look decent and the QB can spin it pretty good. OL is big but not very good. Defense isn't too good either.
One other thing for me, after seeing that BeaufortEaglesFan went to his 600th Beaufort game it got me curious to see how many Daniel games I have been to and this week will be my 200th game. My first game was 2004 against Seneca when I was just 3 when my cousin was playing for the Lions. Don't remember anything about it, but it was my first. I played for the Lions too, 2015-18, my count is 36 games as a player and will be 164 as a fan.
Daniel vs Riverside
Daniel vs Riverside
Go Daniel Lions!!
Re: Daniel vs Riverside
This will be over quickly. Final score just depends on how merciful, or bored, Daniel is.
Re: Daniel vs Riverside
I pretty much said it myself lol
Re: Daniel vs Riverside
My expert opinion of this game is summed up best by these two little words:
The "Godfather" didn't whine like The "Slobfather" is doing, when he got INDICTED!!!!!
Re: Daniel vs Riverside
Just poking the bear!
The "Godfather" didn't whine like The "Slobfather" is doing, when he got INDICTED!!!!!
Re: Daniel vs Riverside
Don’t you mean poke the lion!
The bears are Bhp, but based on Beauforts offensive output so far they would have a hard time keeping up with either of those squads.
The bears are Bhp, but based on Beauforts offensive output so far they would have a hard time keeping up with either of those squads.
Re: Daniel vs Riverside
I still don't know who these "Daniel" people are. Is it like a new gas station over in Anderson?
"We opened the door to everyone. Its over."
-Tom Knotts
-Tom Knotts