Schsl asleep at the wheel.....again

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Schsl asleep at the wheel.....again

Post by Ddub14 »

Why wouldn’t they just inform all schools that they are mandating a move up of all games this week. It’s different if it’s a chance of rain, but everyone in the country knows what is about to go down. So instead of keeping the teams , fans, and officials off the road on Friday while it pouring rain at 11pm thereby making traffic any worse on law enforcement. Let’s alleviate some of the pressure get all the games in and then allow the LEOs that would be working the games to assist in traffic situations. Maybe that’s to easy to figure out .Again it’s these type of situations that makes you wonder what the people in that office actually do to earn the money that they make.

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Re: Schsl asleep at the wheel.....again

Post by Penguin »

Great idea, but Local School Boards make all of those decisions. The SCHSL has no sway over those institutions.
The "Godfather" didn't whine like The "Slobfather" is doing, when he got INDICTED!!!!!

Daniel Lions
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Re: Schsl asleep at the wheel.....again

Post by Ddub14 »

So you don’t think an email from schsl suggesting that they move their games would have any “sway”

I think it would. And if it doesn’t that should be an indication to Jerome and the rest of the schsl how much “sway” that they actually have.

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Re: Schsl asleep at the wheel.....again

Post by Penguin »

If I am an elected School Board member, then no, any messages from a group appointed by individual school personnel, would not "influence" my decisions about shutting down schools. I would, however, take it under advisement, along with long range weather forecasts, and other more common sense facts and realities.

I see nothing in our laws or codes, giving the SCHSL the power ort authority, to make such decisions unilaterally. That said, I do agree that a message of recommendation would be appropriate.
The "Godfather" didn't whine like The "Slobfather" is doing, when he got INDICTED!!!!!

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