thoughts to fair weather fans anywhere
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thoughts to fair weather fans anywhere
This season is turning into an epic losing season in football and we are all ,in shock for sure. So who do we blame?Moody people think he walked on water and no other coach could equal his talent. His records were up and down like every coach. Brown is the winningest coach Berkeley ever had, but he certainly doesnt have a magic formula right now. We talked the other night, every team we played was much deeper in players and talent cept probably Wando, but we are struggling to pass and everyone knows we are going to run so it limits us. since covid the numbers of wins has been a struggle. Run away Randy was 4-4 before leaving town, Brown comes in and gets a 2 win season last year and headed for the worst season ever in Stags history this year. Our best players are leaving to be with winning programs like the Fort and even Goose Creek. I hear mamas and daddies shouting at all the games including b team team and jv, put my son in, give him a chance to win. I get called out for calling Randy, run away Randy. Dont blame him. some fans text me and want to just forfeit the rest of the season. The head coach will and should always get the ultimate blame. He makes the big bucks. So we get rid of Brown and what we start over. I am as bad as any fan and feel the anger and frustration. I know its always a roller coaster ride and these kids play as best they can. My job as a true fan, of course some dont think so is to support them and be loyal in the sunshine and rain and dont sit at home, listening on the radio and making sharpe decisions on the outcome and the coaching. yes, we had trouble on the turf last night, but we also only play most the times one game a year on turf. so yall just have to be patient and hope it can be worked out and Brown is a loyal proud teacher and is a proven winner, if he cant do it, he will not be here. I decided to ride the ride, 58 years ago and support the man who ever he was till I cant see it working and with a minimum of 5 years on the job. The highs have always been better then the lows and witnessed many coaches that couldnt get it done. yes, so Brown is the da man and losing season or not, a proven winner. on to Ashley Ridge, glad I aint a Stall fan. love yall and try to post some pictures of the games and the annuals, Its what I do.
Re: thoughts to fair weather fans anywhere
Nice post Slicker. I have found that in this game of High School Football, things are never as good as you would like, nor as bad as you think. When your team goes through the type of season that Berkeley is experiencing this season, it is easy to be disappointed, but there is a learning process for these young men. When a team is lacking senior leadership, for whatever reason, graduation, transfer, injuries, or whatever, the younger players struggle to learn on the go. That is why a young team is full of promise. By the time that most of these young men become Seniors, they will know how to when and most importantly, how to lead. That is how programs are built, and how the more successful ones thrive. Dr. Brown has not forgotten how to coach. When he came back, the expectations were way too high. Randy Robinson was put in a terrible situation after your bestie was fired. Coaching continuity is what your Stags need most. A steady hand that is not looking for the nearest exit door. True fans, such as yourself, understand this. Little Johnnie's mom and pop, do not. Keep the faith, and things will be better.
The "Godfather" didn't whine like The "Slobfather" is doing, when he got INDICTED!!!!!
Re: thoughts to fair weather fans anywhere
Good post slick.