South Pointe vs Irmo

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Irmo Yellowjackets
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South Pointe vs Irmo

Post by justanotheridiot »

Gave you a decent game until 3rd qtr .........still think the blunder of the game was us not taking time off the clock with 2:50 left in the 1st half and giving the ball back to you after only running 45 seconds off the clock and then ya'll score with 50 seconds left in the half 14-0 instead of 7-0. You give me SP 7- Irmo 0 at the half, I'd take it. In the second half our defense finally gave out too much pressure from having an inept offense caused either by SP defensive front or well another story for on another day. Once SP smelled blood in the water it was on. Anyway SP congrats Good Luck Next Week. Sorry for the Irmo seniors hate to see them go out like that.

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Re: South Pointe vs Irmo

Post by Steelersfan »


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