Bands question

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Re: Bands question

Post by bigdog2003 »

Damefan wrote:I think it should be manage between the coaches and AD's. I have always thought any participation by students, parents, and fans is important. This can usually be handled with a call during the week between the AD's who then communicate the standards of expectations to the Coaches, Cheer Coaches, and Band Directors. I hate to see so many bands no longer traveling to away games. I see so many games where the visiting teams bleachers are empty (which is where I sit for every game I attend). I always enjoy meeting the visiting teams fans and making new friends. You also learn who some of the key players to watch are as well. Those who travel are proud supporters!!
And usually a close knit group. I can remember a game that it poured rain from kickoff until the end of the game that Newberry played on the road one year, I think there were 12 of us that made the trip. Most fun I have had in the stands in my life! I didn't miss a Newberry game, home or away, for about a 5 year stretch until I started coaching and wasn't able to do it anymore.

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Re: Bands question

Post by NuclearCav90 »

I was in the Dorman band in 1986. We travelled to every game home and away, actually wore real uniforms at all of them, and played all during the game. I guess times have changed a lot since then though...for the worse. Any kind of activity that supports your school and encourages school spirit (and keeps kids occupied and out of trouble) should be encouraged.

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Re: Bands question

Post by SF Band dad »

Damefan wrote:Curious what the SCHSL rule actually is on the matter. I know a SC team that played in a Georgia recently that got penalized for their band playing during play. It was explained that Georgia doesn’t allow bands to play except between plays and during halftime.

I wanted to quote the GHSA rules.

3. Bands are not to play during live-ball situations.
NOTE: This includes the situation in which there is no timeout and the teams are in a huddle...….

NC has similar rules which are observed at the Shrine Bowl even though it is played in SC.

A few years ago we played in a week 0 cross-border tournament in Myrtle Beach. The NC schools got their knickers in a wad because our band played when they had the ball. Lesson learned: Myrtle Beach is a good place to get disrespected, a black eye and some crabs.

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Re: Bands question

Post by Newcatntown »

SF Band dad wrote:
Damefan wrote:Curious what the SCHSL rule actually is on the matter. I know a SC team that played in a Georgia recently that got penalized for their band playing during play. It was explained that Georgia doesn’t allow bands to play except between plays and during halftime.

I wanted to quote the GHSA rules.

3. Bands are not to play during live-ball situations.
NOTE: This includes the situation in which there is no timeout and the teams are in a huddle...….

NC has similar rules which are observed at the Shrine Bowl even though it is played in SC.

A few years ago we played in a week 0 cross-border tournament in Myrtle Beach. The NC schools got their knickers in a wad because our band played when they had the ball. Lesson learned: Myrtle Beach is a good place to get disrespected, a black eye and some crabs.

:shock: :shock: :o :lol:

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Re: Bands question

Post by Bbbbrass »

Former 5A band director here.

SC doesn't have a firm rule that anyone was able to show me, but I was told we were only supposed to play when our team had the ball. I asked coaches and ADs about this, and they said they didn't care if the band was small at seated in a far off place.
At one school once the band got larger and louder, and I was able to get us moved to the 35, they began to care. We had a good relationship with the staff, so we worked it out. We even made it so during timeouts when the other team had the ball, or any 3rd or 4th down when the other team was talking about their play calls we blasted sound at them, and our team talked down the sideline away from us. It really helps having some people on the band staff who enjoy and understand football. It's pretty rare to have a drum major who understands how to have short pieces ready and know when to start, just like they don't remember to look for flags on scoring plays before starting the fight song. The drumline is often better at following the game, if they aren't busy trying to get dates.

The coach used to come into our band room after games with some of the captains and thank us for supporting them. They also made a tunnel for the band kids to go through after a game, the night before the state band competition. Only school I ever saw that occur, and it has stuck with me.

What has really killed the interaction with the bands is the huge cost of busing to away games, districts (or pretentious band directors) insisting that marching competitions are the most important things, and the amount of time it takes to prepare a band for those competitions. Our band staff was usually at the school more than the coaches, according to the coaches (that's why I stopped doing it). Scheduling is the other big issues. Kids have a lot more classes offered they want to try, and doing band all year can hurt their GPA compared to honors options.

Working in PA, we played when team was on defense. At a game in Ohio, we got flagged.

I miss marching band Friday nights, and love talking about it. Ask away if you have any questions!

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Re: Bands question

Post by Damefan »

Thanks for your response! I agree the band along with all facets of support are important to school support. And I agree there are a few over zealous band directors that do over do it with the competitions but that is their prerogative. Again any support at a game or contest that students participate in is important to support. And yes I have attended a few Band competitions in Irmo and at Midland Valley.

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