What do we do with the Oceanside/Gray etc.

Discussions for fans of all teams and all classes of South Carolina High School Football.

What should be done with the "PRIVATE SCHOOLS" like Oceanside, Gray etc in athletics?

Poll ended at Sun Oct 10, 2021 1:58 pm

Leave them where they are and everyone has to learn to deal with it
Make them play up one classification
Make them play in their own classification
I have another idea, see below.
Total votes: 19

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Re: What do we do with the Oceanside/Gray etc.

Post by mrfootballtalk »

Creek - Good to hear your not Dem. I will certainly take your word for it on BL. I think any small towns that have a major ones around it will benefit from bleedover. But some towns are doomed because of the opposite. I think you proposal has merit. It's extremely hard to put a entire school in a classification based on success. Just because some programs are good at a school and some are barely making it. Unfortunately the SCHSL is much like the Government which translates to no real progress and a general disdain for ideas that aren't there's. Truthfully, the only fair way is simple math, add all the schools up and divide by X. But there is always going to be something unfair.

Creekwater Werts
Saluda Tigers
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Re: What do we do with the Oceanside/Gray etc.

Post by Creekwater Werts »

mrfootballtalk wrote:
Tue Oct 12, 2021 2:39 pm
Creek - Good to hear your not Dem. I will certainly take your word for it on BL. I think any small towns that have a major ones around it will benefit from bleedover. But some towns are doomed because of the opposite. I think you proposal has merit. It's extremely hard to put a entire school in a classification based on success. Just because some programs are good at a school and some are barely making it. Unfortunately the SCHSL is much like the Government which translates to no real progress and a general disdain for ideas that aren't there's. Truthfully, the only fair way is simple math, add all the schools up and divide by X. But there is always going to be something unfair.
Thats my biggest concern too, Mr. Football.

I do think we can implement this system or something similar, but is this something the SCHSL would be willing to entertain? I do agree with your assesment of that. Will just have to hope they come up with something that can keep it fair for everyone.

Who do you guys have tomorrow?

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