spectator wrote: ↑Wed May 13, 2020 11:30 pm
I heard multiple medical experts verify today what Dr. Fauci said, that making a prediction on in school classes in the fall was a "bridge too far" at the moment. It is quickly becoming the topic of discussion because it effects so many people. They said that one great concern was the masses of principals, coaches, teachers, janitors, etc. who were either over 60 or had health problems...........or both.
I believe there is one way and only one way to have football in South Carolina this fall; if every citizen puts on a mask, right now, and wears it until this stuff is whipped in our state. I honestly believe that we can whip it here in time to play football, we may not have all the summer stuff, but the lights will come on on Friday night. If we do just the opposite and go wild as if there isn't a problem, high school football this year will get executed. If we did it for just the next 3 or 4 weeks it would have a huge impact on it.
Sell tee shirts that say: "I wear this mask so grandparents can attend high school football games this fall" Take the money and start everybody with a sewing machine to start making masks and pay for them with this tee shirt money. Hand them out to anyone who needs a mask. It would, without a doubt, save high school football and probably in school classes too.
You guys love football, save it. Always remember, you don't know what you can do until you try. Just an idea.
It is apparent that you have not studied, at all, the way a respiratory virus works. Simply locking down/wearing masks and completely stopping the spread does no more than delay the virus. Short of having a 100% effective vaccine, this virus will run its course, at some point. It is basic viral science. Using your scenario, we all lockdown until whenever, lets say until we have zero cases. Ok, unless we have an antibody rate of somewhere north of 40%, the virus will spread like wildfire (worse than it has) because we have no immunity to it. Plus, we will have weakened our immune system because we have been inside for months. Your immune system only strengthens by being attacked. Throughout history we have always managed Pandemics by sheltering the at risk and practicing light "social distancing" for the remainder of the population. Herd immunity is the quickest way to eradicate this virus. Our reason for the initial lockdown was to flatten the curve in hospitals, that was accomplished exponentially, so now is the time to "attack the virus". Allow folks to go about life, practicing social distancing, but keeping those most at risk sheltered. That way, we can eventually bring those most at risk out of sheltering in place.
The fact is, at some point, we HAVE to come out and get back to life. The longer we wait, the worse the virus will be the 2nd time around as our immune systems will be shot due to being locked indoors.