Great example of "what the extra mile looks like"! Back to workouts on Monday after a championship is right; staying ahead of the competition isn't easy but is the price of being the best.Onion Rings wrote:No days off!
no vacations or going to the lake. It's like a more than full time job
the first day of football use to be a time of excitement. The first day of pads even more so! Now it's ho hum, another day, another workout
Once when Independence won one of their 6 or 7 titles in a row, they boarded the bus, went back to the school and had a coaches meeting on next years depth chart. No celebration. Lifting resumed on Monday
I think depending on the coaches though it can be done still with as much accountability as it always has. How 5th? By going to the college model where you break up the year. Most notably: "off season duties"! Task it to whoever is going to stay on top of the program(there should be trust involved they will). Allow others to take vacations at different phases of the year! Burn out is a real thing and it happens - it just has to be managed differently in 2019 and beyond. It's not just coaches - just about every job is wanting more work from less people - which translates to longer hours! W/O going into detail let's just say - I can vouch for that 1st hand. More with less isn't going to go away; but it has to be managed in such a way that the same desired results still happen. At work it means, "doing a good job with who you bring in"! Making sure it's people who can and get why they must carry their own weight! You also have to be more efficient with the assets you do have. More efficient with the time you have. No wasted movement. Everything has a purpose and goes toward the end goal!