"Your" top 3 storied programs in SC regardless of class and why. **Can't choose your own team**

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Re: "Your" top 3 storied programs in SC regardless of class and why. **Can't choose your own team**

Post by mikey »

bringthewood wrote:
Thu May 14, 2020 9:37 pm
you don't understand what history and the term 'storied' means.

2- Lake View is right there with them in terms of longevity and relevance. They are one of the winningest programs ever and have a history that goes back as far as any school can honestly claim. It's a shame they have been shuttled into the dust bin.

Columbia was always in the hunt back before the modern era and into the early modern era.

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Re: "Your" top 3 storied programs in SC regardless of class and why. **Can't choose your own team**

Post by mikey »

Colbyc36 wrote:
Sat May 16, 2020 9:36 am
Mikey, I thought Gaffney had 16, not 17....

Anyway, it depends on what you call "storied". Most championships?

If you use the formula: Championships (C) divided by Years since inception (Y) then you can see (or at least I can) how successful a school has been historically. An example:

Gaffney: 16/96=16.6% success rate
Byrnes: 11/65=16.9% success rate

That being said, Summerville dogs em both out.
so u say'in Gaffney wouldn't make your top 3

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Byrnes Rebels
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Re: "Your" top 3 storied programs in SC regardless of class and why. **Can't choose your own team**

Post by Colbyc36 »

Not at all Mike dog. They are in mine. I just don't like to admit it.
"We opened the door to everyone. Its over."
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Re: "Your" top 3 storied programs in SC regardless of class and why. **Can't choose your own team**

Post by ManigoEra »

mikey wrote:
Fri May 15, 2020 9:13 am
bringthewood wrote:
Thu May 14, 2020 10:49 pm
mikey wrote:
Thu May 14, 2020 10:01 pm
bringthewood wrote:
Thu May 14, 2020 9:37 pm
1- Summerville has to be at the top. You have Big John and the record. Most around the country will associate SC HS football and the Green Wave and Big John as the top of the class. You can argue that others have taken their place, but if you do you don't understand what history and the term 'storied' means.

2- Lake View is right there with them in terms of longevity and relevance. They are one of the winningest programs ever and have a history that goes back as far as any school can honestly claim. It's a shame they have been shuttled into the dust bin.

3- This is the hardest if you limit it to 3, because there are so many that have either the titles, the longevity, or relevance. If you simply look at time on the map relative to titles it has to South Point. If you look at overall titles, then you have Byrnes. If you look at title appearances then you have Gaffney. You've got the relevant throughout the evolution of high school football with Abbeville wining across multiple classifications. Columbia was always in the hunt back before the modern era and into the early modern era. If you throw in the ' but nobody wanted to play them' you've got too many to count... Greenwood, Barnwell, Spartanburg, Macedonia, Hillcrest (Dalzell), Calhoun Falls, Whimire and too many more to mention; especially small mill towns back in the days...

There are many school that can claim or have someone argue based on their limited experience or exposure, but after those 1st 2 the rest are all second tier claimants to the thrown.
Gaffney second tier.. :lol: by his own logic no less... :?
Sorry @mikey I guess your top 3 was filtered out...
Because I couldn't add Gaffney the point was moot...but here u go..

Greenwood / Sumter

I also apologize for my snide comment...after all it was your top 3.. BUT....

Gaffney has lost more titles than it' s won ...while winning more titles than anyone else by a good margin...17...

Gaffney won titles in the 1920's ...so the longevity is there..

"O great ..we got Gaffney next" said no one ever...
I can't speak for everyone but i think Greenwood looks forward to playing Gaffney because y'all are a big time opponent. We just sucked against y'all the last few years because of pippen. Hopefully we'll put y'all back on the schedule and give y'all a better game when Liner gets our program back up to standard. If teams are scared to play somebody they don't need to be out there to begin with. Just my opinion.

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Re: "Your" top 3 storied programs in SC regardless of class and why. **Can't choose your own team**

Post by ManigoEra »

Since I can't choose Greenwood

Gaffney- got the most titles

Byrnes- they earned my respect for beating Greenwood every year in the playoffs when they were 4A. These were shell dula teams they beat so it's legit. Also went toe to toe with st. Thomas Aquinas that one year.

Abbeville- sad to say but they've been the only ones near the greenwood area hoisting State title trophies lately. Greenwood need to change that.

PS..... Dorman has been good every year since like 99 2000. If they would have won any one of them games against DF I'd put them in there. Dorman is another one of them teams that Pippin was scared of and made greenwood look like punks when we played em. embarrassing.....

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Re: "Your" top 3 storied programs in SC regardless of class and why. **Can't choose your own team**

Post by Damefan »

I have enjoyed reading all these posts until we started bashing former Greenwood Coach Pippin who for the record only had one losing season in six and won 9 or more game 3 out of 6 times compared to the newly hired Coach who had losing records or 500% records 5 out of 6 seasons. Why for the love of God would you continue to slam someone who is gone and rave about someone who has done nothing except bring a lot of his staff over that had no success at Laurens and announce him the savior is asinine. Leave the coach's names out of the conversations. He has been the only coach that has been bashed! Grown-up for God's sake!!

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Re: "Your" top 3 storied programs in SC regardless of class and why. **Can't choose your own team**

Post by GwoodEagle2k1 »

Damefan wrote:
Tue May 19, 2020 10:47 pm
I have enjoyed reading all these posts until we started bashing former Greenwood Coach Pippin who for the record only had one losing season in six and won 9 or more game 3 out of 6 times compared to the newly hired Coach who had losing records or 500% records 5 out of 6 seasons. Why for the love of God would you continue to slam someone who is gone and rave about someone who has done nothing except bring a lot of his staff over that had no success at Laurens and announce him the savior is asinine. Leave the coach's names out of the conversations. He has been the only coach that has been bashed! Grown-up for God's sake!!
In regards to Dan Pippin, the people that liked him will miss him. The people that didn't like him are glad he's gone. Simple as that. Most of us have moved on and are excited about our new journey with Coach Liner. I know I am! To get back on topic, thanks for reading my thread. I'd love to hear your top three if you would care to share :)

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Re: "Your" top 3 storied programs in SC regardless of class and why. **Can't choose your own team**

Post by FootballFan4343 »

As much as I hate to say it, any response to this that doesn't start and end with Gaffney is worthless.
I cannot find another team that has had so many stretches of dominance. Other schools have had 10-20 year stretches under a certain coach, or have had a legendary coach (McKissick) there for a long time, but Gaffney has done it with so many different coaches and players. They have won multiple championships in every era. The start of this post was most "storied", not most dominating or most popular. Gaffney easily wins that.

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Re: "Your" top 3 storied programs in SC regardless of class and why. **Can't choose your own team**

Post by Damefan »

FootballFan4343 wrote:
Thu May 21, 2020 1:54 pm
As much as I hate to say it, any response to this that doesn't start and end with Gaffney is worthless.
I cannot find another team that has had so many stretches of dominance. Other schools have had 10-20 year stretches under a certain coach, or have had a legendary coach (McKissick) there for a long time, but Gaffney has done it with so many different coaches and players. They have won multiple championships in every era. The start of this post was most "storied", not most dominating or most popular. Gaffney easily wins that.
I tend to agree with you as I have read through the many posts. It would be easier to pick "storied teams during an era". It is like picking Jordan over Bill Russell, or Tiger over Jack.

What are the comparing variables being used, wins, championships, etc? Also what is the definition of "Storied"? So many great teams through the years that had great runs but who dominated over time is another factor and in what classification of competition.

All of the teams previously mentioned are very worthy teams but I have been asked my favorites. Well, I can't name 3, but I think of Blackville-Hilda, Lewisville, Woodruff, Gaffney, Summerville, Dillion, and Greenwood before schools started getting split up. So that is as good as you will get out of me.

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Byrnes Rebels
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Re: "Your" top 3 storied programs in SC regardless of class and why. **Can't choose your own team**

Post by Colbyc36 »

I think Mikey nailed it.

What he really meant to say is:
"We opened the door to everyone. Its over."
-Tom Knotts

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