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Re: Realignment

Post by SF Band dad »

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Re: Realignment

Post by SF Band dad »

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Re: Realignment

Post by SF Band dad »

Keeping those same 40 teams in 5A they could minimize bus time be grouping them differently. 4 team regions aren't ideal but for football, teams from regions 5 and 6 could play each other in weeks 6 & 7. For other sports the ADs can decide for themselves if they want to schedule distant non-region 5A schools or more local 3A and 4A opponents.

5A Region 1: Hanna, Woodmont, Hillcrest, Mauldin, Mann, Wade Hampton
5A Region 2: Riverside, Byrnes, Dorman, Spartanburg, Boiling Springs, Gaffney
5A Region 3: Clover, Northwestern, Fort Mill, Rock Hill, Nation Ford
5A Region 4: Chapin, Dutch Fork, River Bluff, Lexington, White Knoll
5A Region 5: Blythewood, Ridge View, Spring Valley, Sumter
5A Region 6: Carolina Forest, Conway, Socastee, St. James
5A Region 7: Berkeley, Cane Bay, Stratford, Goose Creek, Wando
5A Region 8: Summerville, Ashley Ridge, Fort Dorchester, Stall, West Ashley

Possible playoff brackets: The last place team from each region would not make the playoffs, two low-seeded upper-state teams would go into the lower state bracket, travelling to the 1st and 2nd place teams from region 5.

Google Map: Here's how that looks

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Re: Realignment

Post by HiTechRedNeck »

SF Band dad wrote:Keeping those same 40 teams in 5A they could minimize bus time be grouping them differently. 4 team regions aren't ideal but for football, teams from regions 5 and 6 could play each other in weeks 6 & 7. For other sports the ADs can decide for themselves if they want to schedule distant non-region 5A schools or more local 3A and 4A opponents.

5A Region 1: Hanna, Woodmont, Hillcrest, Mauldin, Mann, Wade Hampton
5A Region 2: Riverside, Byrnes, Dorman, Spartanburg, Boiling Springs, Gaffney
5A Region 3: Clover, Northwestern, Fort Mill, Rock Hill, Nation Ford
5A Region 4: Chapin, Dutch Fork, River Bluff, Lexington, White Knoll
5A Region 5: Blythewood, Ridge View, Spring Valley, Sumter
5A Region 6: Carolina Forest, Conway, Socastee, St. James
5A Region 7: Berkeley, Cane Bay, Stratford, Goose Creek, Wando
5A Region 8: Summerville, Ashley Ridge, Fort Dorchester, Stall, West Ashley

Possible playoff brackets: The last place team from each region would not make the playoffs, two low-seeded upper-state teams would go into the lower state bracket, travelling to the 1st and 2nd place teams from region 5.

Google Map: Here's how that looks
Wow...SFBandDad - I vote you to be next leader of the SCHSL! Great stuff, idea, and MAPS!

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Re: Realignment

Post by bbrown1240 »

HiTechRedNeck wrote:Crestwood and Lakewood were both built in 1996. When they opened they had over 1500 students each and at that time, Sumter HS had just at or over 3000. When CW/LW opened they were both 4A programs and Sumter was Big 16.

LW/CW can hold a lot more students than 1000...whoever said that is not correct.

I don't know who is "cooking the numbers" or on what level they're being cooked, but CW is a 4A - that side of the county is growing towards Columbia. LW's side is not growing, and they only have one feeder program/middle school.

Either way, Sumter HS gets hosed again on travel - minimum 1.5 hour trip for any region game?? That's crazy. Not to mention the coach/bus driver who has to work all day and now all night, etc.
I won’t disagree with you..but let’s use your numbers. Crestwood and Lakewood are both around 1200 students - near capacity. Sumter has around 2300 students now and can ‘comfortably’ take more students. It doesn’t sound like I’m completely incorrect as taking students from Sumter is probably not the most logical thing to do. The solution in Sumter would probably be to build 1 large high school in the Crestwood area (or tack on to the current Crestwood High) and have 2 5 A high schools. Lakewood would consolidate with Sumter but the lines redrawn so that all of Chestnut Oaks Middle feeds to Crestwood High (they are about a mile apart). The current Furman Middle and Pocalla Springs Middle schools could be moved to the current Lakewood campus.

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Re: Realignment

Post by SF Band dad »

Proposed 4A Region 6: Hartsville, Darlington, West Florence, South Florence, Wilson, Myrtle Beach, North Myrtle Beach

104 miles east to west and brutal. Dropping to 4A didn't do us many favors in our regular schedule. Any team running that gauntlet and emerging healthy will be ready for the playoffs.

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Re: Realignment

Post by SF Band dad »

So.... Is anybody challenging the classifications or the regions?

Did the HSL ever send out the final adjusted numbers? If not, how could anyone challenge them? :evil:

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Re: Realignment

Post by AHS14 »

SF Band dad wrote:So.... Is anybody challenging the classifications or the regions?

Did the HSL ever send out the final adjusted numbers? If not, how could anyone challenge them? :evil:
I would not be surprised if Oceanside petitions to be in AA (maybe Bishop England too). When is the deadline to submit appeals?

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Re: Realignment

Post by SF Band dad »

Realignment shakes up SC high school sports
By Lou Bezjak, The State (Columbia, S.C.) 12/20/2019

Each school can appeal their region or classification placement. Appeals to each classification’s executive committee will be heard Jan. 28-30. The SCHSL executive committee will hear appeals Feb. 12 and, if needed, they will go before an appellate panel that will hear them Feb. 19.

< Excerpt - Full article at the headline link >

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SF Band dad
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Re: Realignment

Post by SF Band dad »

SF Band dad wrote:Realignment shakes up SC high school sports
By Lou Bezjak, The State (Columbia, S.C.) 12/20/2019

Each school can appeal their region or classification placement. Appeals to each classification’s executive committee will be heard Jan. 28-30. The SCHSL executive committee will hear appeals Feb. 12 and, if needed, they will go before an appellate panel that will hear them Feb. 19.

< Excerpt - Full article at the headline link >
Hey Sumter!! Y'all need to appeal your region. Check this out.

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