Thursday Night Lights from Oklahoma to everyone

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Thursday Night Lights from Oklahoma to everyone

Post by trojangrad78 »

I am visiting with one of my daughters, my son-in-law (recently retired USMC), and 3 grands. The oldest is a 7th grader and in the marching band at the local high school.

This school is VERY a SC 1A-II level enrollment.....SMALL.

Their band is SMALL. Musically....not that good.

Their football team is really really #64 out of 65 in the state.

Why am I bringing this up?

It is always good for all of us to be reminded that, no matter the size or quality of the band or the football team, EVERY ONE of these kids do their upmost best to perform the best they can.....either marching and/or playing very well.

Too often, I think we forget that not every school is at the level most of us are used to.....think NW, Byrnes, DF, Daniel, Dillon, etc. etc. etc. true to your school and be supportive of the kids. We may disagree with coaches and/or officials, but never bash the kids.

So, tonight, I am going to watch a team and a band that I have not seen before and I am going to be a vocal and supportive FAN.

If you read this granddaughter's high school mascot is TROJANS!!!! Yeah, baby......keep it in the family! GO TROJANS!! :D

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Re: Thursday Night Lights from Oklahoma to everyone

Post by trojangrad78 »

Well.........we lost. The final score was 42-8, but the kids played hard all game and never quit.

Oh, yeah, the band played their hearts out and fingers off.

Rough night.....but still....GO TROJANS!!!

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Re: Thursday Night Lights from Oklahoma to everyone

Post by SF Band dad »

Great posts!! You made me remember what brought me here.

In 2008, my eighth-grade daughter was asked to march with the (undersized) SF high school marching band. She was thrilled. Imagine my disappointment that she didn't want to be an offensive lineman, like her father. We went to that first band-booster meeting, and I realized that my 13-year-old daughter was about to riding around on an activity bus with high school juniors and seniors.

Before the clipboard ever made it over to me, my (ex)wife had already signed me up as a bus chaperone. That resulted in me attending my first high school football game in 25 years, when I last played high school football. I loved it.

But being a bus chaperone wasn't the most fun in the world, so in 2010 I bought a truck and started pulling the band trailer which allowed me to continue getting into the games for free. :D In 2014, my daughter graduated from HS, but I continued to pull the trailer to games and band competitions and took on the title of post-graduate band dad. After a few years, they found other parents willing to pull the trailer, and now I get to enjoy the games without the hassle of going back to the school, unloading and dropping the trailer.

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Re: Thursday Night Lights from Oklahoma to everyone

Post by mikey »

Kids will do that…it’s why I’m a Indian daughter was a cheerleader and sons played baseball for Gaffney…now my granddaughter is a cheerleader and Grandsons play baseball for the Indians… :D


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Re: Thursday Night Lights from Oklahoma to everyone

Post by trojangrad78 »

Forgot to post this from the football game here in Oklahoma last week. Papa Kevin and his oldest grand, Hensleigh, in her brand new marching band uniform......very first game with their new uniforms.
Papa Kevin and Hensleigh Caney Valley band pic.jpg
Papa Kevin and Hensleigh Caney Valley band pic.jpg (63.44 KiB) Viewed 298 times

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