DeCav’s Intellectual Corner Week 2: Boasters Beware

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Dorman Cavaliers
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Joined: Mon Mar 04, 2013 11:17 am

DeCav’s Intellectual Corner Week 2: Boasters Beware

Post by DeCav »

Trash Talking, Talking Smack, Bumpin Yer Gums, there’s a lot of terms for it and we all do it but back in the day it was called a boast.

Nowadays we have even more terms for it. As a matter of fact you may be surprised how many different terms there are...

bull *&$%
rodomontade (also rhodomontade)

Considering though the posters who are most given to this kind of self-expression, it is not all that surprising that some of the more obscure synonyms for “boasting” really don’t sound all that flattering...

1) a boastful or self important person.
2) boastful talk

Or my personal favorite...

Jactitation or the acceptable shortened form...
Now depending on your source Jactation means:

1) boasting or bragging
2) a restless tossing of the body

(Note: For those double checking my sources I recommend not to spell it with a “ck” as I accidentally and regretfully did. You have been warned. Listen closely and you’ll hear the pitter-patter of little keys as folks rush off to find out what that means.)

Now going off the second definition “a restless tossing of the body”, one could make the argument that a “jactator” is one who is a “tosser” which I think is quite appropriate because some of the contributors on this message board are definitely tossers.

But wait a minute! If jactation is the act of boasting or bragging then it follows that a “jactator” is one who boasts or brags. Except that “jactator” isn’t a word. Not even in the urban dictionary. I find this quite pleasing because like Lewis and Clark, Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein, and Nichola Tesla I have apparently discovered something new here. In particular a new word, “jactator”. As such I have taken the liberty of submitting this word to the online urban dictionary. Upon approval expect to see it there shortly.

Now the other great thing about this new word “jactator” is that it lends itself quite eloquently to a graphic representation thus...

At this point I think it appropriate and desirable that I also post another pic that you’ll find on page one of google images if you do a search on the term “car jack”...


The last picture bears no particular relevance to the topic. I just found it quite distracting and thought I’d share.

Now, of interest is the potential applications that this word or more specifically this picture has on the message board. To wit, whenever some buffoon is running off at the mouth about how great either he or his team is, instead of getting mad and starting a big long fight just respond with this pic (the jack-tater, not the woman under the bmw) with no other text and leave it at that.

At some point between now and the end of the season some “tosser” is gonna post some crap, get this pic in response and be completely confounded. He’ll probably respond with some query as to it’s meaning at which point he’ll reveal the fact that either he’s a noob or he did not read this thread.

I actually had planned to write about boasting as it relates to classical European literature but got totally sidetracked after googling synonyms for the word boast.
Seeing as how I don’t have time to finish what I started AND the idea of writing about classical European literature bores me to tears I’ll just stop here.
Peace Out,
“Win as if you were used to it, lose as if you enjoyed it for a change.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

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