High school league shoots down proposal to move football to spring

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High school league shoots down proposal to move football to spring

Post by SCPrepTalk »

High school league shoots down proposal to move football to spring
Proposal would have moved baseball, softball, other "low-risk" sports to the fall
WYFF 4 Updated: 11:17 AM EDT Jul 15, 2020
Matt Moore-Investigative Producer
:arrow: https://www.wyff4.com/article/high-scho ... g/33321725

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Re: High school league shoots down proposal to move football to spring

Post by MrFootball68 »

Our SCHSL league needs to set an example and lead during these times. Instead they are in a continuous retreat to buy time. Come on- show a pair and lead.

We may practice Aug 17, until we meet again the first of Aug at which point we will back peddle again. That is a gutless way to lead. Maybe they need to read George Patton's book so they can learn to lead!!!! I wish General Patton was here to slap some courage into the entire SCHSL.

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Re: Its on

Post by SF Band dad »

SCHSL Executive Committee approves later start date for fall sports
BY JUSTIN DRIGGERS -- Morning News -- jdriggers@florencenews.com -- Jul 15, 2020

The exact date and what each sports season will look like are still very much up in the air at the moment,...

…. the proposal is for all teams to play region contests first in order to determine playoff participants and seeding and then to add non-region contests if possible. A seven-week season was brought up, with the idea of playoff rounds being reduced from five rounds to four and possibly even three.

But according to SCHSL Commissioner Jerome Singleton, everything in the plan is still “fluid” and allows the league to postpone its proposed practice start date, shorten or extend seasons and even push seasons back if necessary.

< Excerpts - full article at the headline link >

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Re: Its on

Post by SF Band dad »

From Twitter: Lou Bezjak
"All fall sports that use playoff will be region only. Tennis, volleyball football"

A later post indicates that smaller regions can schedule additional non-region games.

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Re: High school league shoots down proposal to move football to spring

Post by Deputy »

what else should we expect from Jerome except a total lack of leadership. And there are huge issues with a shortened season. Money. Some of the bigger schools with big booster clubs, or other financial backing, can do it, but many other high schools depend on a full season of football gates to pay for sports that generate little to no revenue. And this issues deepens if they put a limit on fans in attendance. Jerome's game is to delay, and then when push comes to shove, punt any real decision to someone else to cover his tail. The total void of leadership from the SCHSL is astonishing.

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